Navigation & A Timeless Curio Shop

Everything needs navigation. Ships, planes and even today's cars have GPS navigation. Navigation is the process of controlling the movement of a vehicle or craft from one place to another. We also have radio, radar, satellite and celestial navigation. You have to know about latitude and longitude. To measure longitude accurately, you need to use the precision of a marine chronometer. The chronometer is set at GMT. Quartz crystal marine chronometer are even better as they are even more accurate. 

Another critical component of navigation is the sextant. It is an optical instrument to measure the angle formed at the observer's eye and the horizon. Life is just like that. We have to navigate - sometimes we encounter engine trouble (like recessions), rough seas and bad weather or bumped into pirates. I have previously written articles about "Ships" and "Gyroscope" which were well received. 

We need to be well equipped and to work as a team like you will find on board a ship to navigate safely or to navigate out of trouble. 

Global Sailors Corner

I was meeting an old friend for lunch and decided for nasi bryani near Mosque Street. As we walked we came across a very interesting shop. You will not find one like that anywhere. My friend wanted to get a gift for someone and so we popped in. It is the "Global Sailors Corner" located at 230 South Bridge Road.

You will find all kinds of antiques, unique gifts, trinkets, memorabilia. It has a wide range of nautical products both original and reproduction for house decor or as corporate gifts. You will also find the chronometers and sextants I talked about earlier. If you are there please look for Mr. Ad Rahman who is friendly and knowledgeable and can help you find something suitable. Even if you are a tourist in Singapore, you will like this shop and you will find something here. Here is Rahman with my friend.

You will be intrigued when you go into this shop. It is a timeless curio shop.

Then even have telescopes and gramophones.

Look at the wide range that included musical instruments.

You will surely find something you like while not expecting it. There are few places that can offer you this delight.

More of them here.....

You can transform yourself into the world of warriors and vikings.

This could be the one used by a Commander.

Remember 300 the movie?

This was probably the one used by King Leonidas.

Tell Rahman you read about him in blogosphere from the Guru. Cheers!
