Smell The Roses...Now

When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Visit your parents? Just simply chill and do nothing? I'm not getting preachy here as I can be equally culpable of the same things.

Some of you are so busy you may be getting your maid to read the newspaper to you every morning. When was the last time you have actually stopped and hold back the door for someone behind you? Say good morning or hello? 

I had rare opportunities to be on the MRT trains on occasional mornings when the car is in the workshop and I have never failed to realise that almost everybody on the train are without a smile and those were during good times when economic conditions were much better! So what about now where everything is in the doldrums? But sometimes, it takes a global recession of such epic proportion for people and the world to come to their senses much like a jolt from a bolt. It may be a good thing such that our younger generation has first hand experience. 

Some of us went through some tough ones in 1985, 1997, 2001 and 2003. The world was founded on a agricultural platform and through barter trade. It went on to industrialisation and both especially the latter provided jobs and earnings to huge population in factories which gave rise to hard work, inventions, innovations, etc. Financial get-rich-quick-schemes? Many still make from it but there are those being caught at the wrong end in every down cycles who are in dire straits. We should go back to the simple life.

So are we working too hard, stressed out by trying to keep up with the Joneses or simply partying too hard? Maybe all of the above. I think courtesy campaigns can only do so much as to serve reminders but to change the world we have to change ourselves. It is definitely empowering to do so but in life things are always easier said than done.

Just look at school exams. Many wanted less exams for the children and when they are now going to do it, you get parents against it.
We are too hung up, so let us learn to relax a little. The recession brings along with it something different. You will have more family time for sure as there is less work and you do not want to squander good money unnecessarily so stay home. Go watch that DVD now, listen to that favourite CD, catch up with old friends and good friends for they are your rocks in times of adversity. Stop, pause.....and smell the roses now!


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