Yangon 2015 - Part Two

Continued From Part One...

The Schwedagon Pagoda, a most significant and prominent landmark in Yangon dominating the skyline as it is almost 100m in height. It is the most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar as it is said to contain relics of four previous Buddhas. Legend has it that it was constructed 2,600 years ago and is the oldest Buddhist stupa in the world. It is covered by tonnes of gold plates and its crown is tipped with more than 5,000 diamonds, more than 2,000 rubies and right at the very top there is a 76 carat diamond. Most Myanmarese people are Theravada buddhists.

There isn't enough time, so may be next time. We came to a beautiful Italian restaurant. We were supposed to do French but it was fully booked.

There is plenty to choose from.

I wanted the smallest meal.

I like appetisers.

Never wrong with a good soup.

The only time I have bacon is when I travel and during hotel breakfast and in this case the tiny bits in the soup.

I decided on kurobuta pork.

These prawns are very good!

We were already drinking at dinner. Now for more drinks. They have a popular CB Bank there.

The morning after feeling in beer cheap humid countries are predictable. I need to spice up my life with some lamb curry.

I only take this "everything'' omelette at hotels. Just too much ingredients to prepare and when they ask me what I wanted to add, I just say everything hence "everything'' omellette.

Deadly bacon and surprising wadeh. You know what wadeh is? Its an Indian influence and Yangon and Myanmar has Indian influence. In Singapore, wadeh was once very popular and it was more known as Wadeh Udang where udang is prawn. They give you fresh green chilli to go along. You take a bite to chew off the chilli tip then you knock the chilli in a plastic bag at the side onto a table top so that all the chilli seeds would be gotten rid of. Take a bite of the wadeh with a bite of the fresh green chilli. Wow!

I like sarongs. In Myanmar they are called "Longyi". I saw lots of men wearing it and they could match it with long sleeves shirts. I was debating if I should get a couple.

I saw a street hawker negotiating a heavily congested street with impossible angles and he got stuck.

I like to observe street food.

And watching the locals enjoying it.

Myanmar scripts. They are smart people. I could never learn this. They all looked the same to me.

I met and used a special lift and grew fond of it. We normally get in and press the buttons in from but this lift has its buttons by the side and in the middle. 

Very soon it was lunch again. This is a local fusion restaurant located near Aung San Suu Kyi's house nearby at the Inya Lake. The Green Elephant.

Was humid in the afternoon.

We had to cool down. In Rome do what the Romans do. In Myanmar drink what the Myanmarese drink.

Myanmar produce their own wine harvested from the cooler climates of the Shan State. 

I like the no frills and rustic decor. They have a mat ceiling and unique ceiling fans and lights.

And authentic Myanmar food.

Thanks to my generous host, I was under tremendous pleasure.

To Be Continued...


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