Eat Like A Boss @ Carousel

Firstly, what do you mean to be "like a boss"? A boss is someone who is in charge of a worker or an entire organisation as a noun. The boss is someone who gives order in a domineering manner as a verb and when used as an adjective means excellent and outstanding. A boss exercises control, authority, gives direction and makes decision. Remember Bruce Lee was the Big Boss? Lionel Messi bosses the soccer pitch just like Muhammed Ali bossed the ring and Bruce Lee bossed martial arts. There are only a couple of ways one can eat like a boss. One is to know your food in variety and quality, even in ingredients and the sources. The other is simply to find and go to a good place - the good food 101 for idiots. I was blessed to be invited by my children to a good place: The place was packed. I like the layout of the utensils. They look like pro equipment to enable us to eat like a boss. Some people told me this is the best buffet in town. I do not do buffet...