Post CNY Blues
This is post CNY Blues not NYPD Blues. Make sure you enjoy the Bunny Year before it is over soon. Each week flies by so quickly.
After stopping work for so long for the Lunar New Year holidays, it is hard to feel like an energy bunny. The weather is getting hotter! I saw two elderly women cleaners at work cleaning the glass panel on the outside of an office. It was a hot day and one was cleaning using circular motion while the other perhaps supervising her newer colleague was giving instructions to better do it up and down so that you would not see stains of water mark.
At first I thought they were discussing and arguing about Fernando Torres's transfer from Chelsea to Liverpool but when I heard something like "mai cow peh if you don't like me say so" I realised it was more serious. Was it the heat as we head towards hotter climate? One was giving advice good-naturedly while the other was not happy about the comments. Is it all about perception? Both should change tact? What can they both do to prevent such things from happening?
Politics in life is everywhere and in all facets of society. Just make sure you do the good ones and the right ones not just good in your own eyes or just to show it to the eyes of people. I hope they find their peace. Such things do happen even at the office or at home and I hope it does not happen at the golf course so better not dispense advice while playing. When I was a beginner, I played with some more experience ones and if I were playing to a 100 they kept telling me throughout how to do it till I succeeded in scoring 120.
I have never left our shores during CNY. I know some folks would take the opportunity to go for a holiday overseas. Nothing wrong with that. I have never done it because I find that in our extremely busy society, increasingly people are only meeting one another at weddings, funerals or during the New Year. Take this away and you have one less reason to see each other. I think a good festive period should include both traditional and some new things you have not done or do it differently.
Nasi Lemak
Like having Haji Hassan's nasi lemak (of Adam Road fame). I could see people lapping it up because it is special and probably the best to me. Only Basmati rice used in Nasi Bryani is used to cook the coconut rice and as you know Basmati rice is a quality rice but the way the rice is cook it is fragrant but not overpowering with too much coconut.
It is so good you can just eat it on its own and you would not be tired of it. Everything else from the chicken wing to otah and even the bagadil were all good. Besides the rice, the other single most important thing in nasi lemak is the chili. This one is "power!" This brings me back to the old times where young boys would carry a basket of foodstuffs which includes nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaves. What will we do without our Malay brothers? Yes, I will be in touch with Haji Hassan, his son or son-in-law anytime. Keep it up! From the picture you can see it was a battle zone. No-holds-barred.
Tradition in a can. Somehow this flavoured drink was the most common during CNY since time in memorial. Sipping on it can bring back childhood memories. It was that good.
You know what is the most potent thing to use to wash down a powered chili nasi lemak?
My uncles and cousins love these beers! I had the opportunity to share these lovelies with them. A few love the Pure Blonde for its light taste and low carbohydrate but many love the Red Rock. I hope the people who created the Red Rock or distribute the Pure Blonde are listening.
Nasi Padang
At my good friends's place we had Nasi Padang. Very lovely food. I was told it was very spicy and I gave a good double dose and drowned my rice. This is how I love my curry. Some guests began staring at me like I have gone mental but that's how I love my curry. Can someone pass me a straw. I could give away state secrets if you seduce me with curry.
Is this the Billecart Salmon Brut Rose Champagne? It got me heady but I forgot its name. It's like meeting a beautiful lady as a bachelor and you forgot her name. It has a beautiful colour and the best part is that it is not too dry. It is so smooth and like velvet and I'm in awe of its super fine bubbles. This one could leave many others behind, probably a cut above the rest. Why Salmon Rose? I think it is a beautiful pink. Drinking this daily may make one happy forever.
"Excuse me, I didn't really get your name". I actually found it quite unforgettable. Like a beautiful woman that you meet. Except that one could walk towards the woman but reach out for the drink instead.
After some folks open for work 开工 we have to open ball 开球! Then the Lo Hei follows. This is probably the 甜甜蜜蜜 part.
The Chinese turned this thing into an expensive delicacy. I killed it but it was already dead.

Me Tok Hoot
There used to be a Buddha that carries a fan leading the lion in a lion dance but disappeared in recent years. Maybe the role was made redundant to cut cost or perhaps politics because everyone wants to be that as it is the easiest just walking around playing with the lion. But a rabbit has now been added. I saw one performing at a coffee shop but the rabbit face wasn't so well done compared to a photo a friend sent me with a rabbit that is more handsome like Bugs Bunny. Cop right issues?
Human Birthday
People's Birthday 人日 literally translated is the birthday of all humans and it is on the seventh day of Chinese New Year as ancient Chinese worshipped a Shang Ti 上 帝 who created humans and they worshipped a 天公who is their Heavenly Father. If your Mandarin is poor, let me help you. Ha ha.
Tribute To Gary Moore
Gary Moore, former star of Irish rock band Thin Lizzy has died. He was only 58. The very talented star was found dead in his hotel while holidaying in Spain. He was originally a member of Skid Row. Moore was healthy, never a rock casualty and was always robust so his death came as a shock. Remember him for his talents:
Still Got The Blues -
Gary jamming with BB King;
Parisienne Walkway
Empty Rooms -
Gary, thank you for everything. RIP. I've "Still Got The Blues". Post CNY Blues.