Singapore Mirror

Singapore Needs A Mirror Not Just Conversation

I applaud the Singapore Conversation and I hope the authorities are carefully listening because very often even in the business world, few leaders listen but more than a conversation we should have a Singapore Mirror where we can often look at ourselves. A mirror can be truly reflective but then again you see what you want to see. A tiny pimple on a pretty face and one can go berserk or conversely, some people could only see great things about themselves and those other people who would have you believe, like the Emperor's New Clothes.

(highlight the link, right click and select "Go To")

If you have been following my blog, you would surely know what I have so strongly felt about our world class education system that has been fraud with problems which we really took too long to realise and make the changes but better late than never. The people who wrote in clamouring not to do away with naming top students and schools still didn't get it. They never understood the deep-rooted problems well enough. Please go and talk to a lot of other normal students and youngsters. Don't talk by just scratching the surface. The education minister is bravely doing a good job. Keep it up and keep going! I can guarantee that when the dusts settle, we will produce even better people in future. Trust me.

Worship Idols?

Can you imagine troops of youngsters queueing to attend a K-Pop concert five days ahead of opening? When interviewed, they were so proud and said it was worth it since it was what they like. Wonder if they will stay home for 5 minutes to help their old parents do the dishes. Then they started crying when they realised they were in the wrong queue. We used to love our rock bands of our time but never to this extend. Will you? Youths normally feel like immortals as they have time on their side. Many years from now, as they will surely look back, they may realise they have squandered away those five precious days. Will we spend five hours with someone in a hospital or in need of your time? Are they spending their parents' hard-earned money?


Are Singaporeans emotionless? I do not think so one bit. We are experts of emoticons. When they did a survey showing Singaporeans having the least sex in the world, do not believe. You must ask them where and with whom? If you think the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, please aim a little lower. Singaporeans are by nature conservative as they have been brought up that way. All the honourable things you have to do and so on or even the Confucius way. Confucius said "Man who leaped off cliff jump to conclusion". No, just kidding. Singaporeans basically lack expression not emotion. You know what I mean if you have been with the Kallang Roar. Fish and sotong can come out of their mouths.

They may feel embarrassed just in case they show the wrong emotions so do not show anything. Perhaps some of us know only too few emotions namely angry and happy and nothing in between like Keanu Reeves who shows the same face in whatever movie - action, love story, etc. When you take the train in the morning, you may think that everyone is going to attend a funeral. Not only should our education need changes, so do our lives! If you really believe Singaporeans are emotionless, you have been hanging out with the wrong crowd. Join mine. There isn't much problem here. We just need to learn how to laugh - at yourself first. (Samantha Sang)

Bus Drivers' Strike

It was not a protest, it was a strike. You can't strike in Singapore. It is forbidden. Essential services must never be disrupted here. So it is obviously wrong but SMRT need to look into it how the grievances came to this, why it was not managed better. I want you to watch this:

However, with due respect for all parties, always remember that there are two sides to every story. Treat them fair and with respect but our law must apply.

So, get ourselves a giant mirror to self-reflect and then get some giant fans to blow the perennial haze problem back to where it came from.


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