Know your ABCs. When I was in primary school, many still do not know their ABCs. Today's parents read to their unborn child and play classical music so that they can have an early start because some experts say it is good for them but nothing can make them learn not to touch that hot kettle of water until they get burned. Why must people only learn from the hard way?

In golf, when you are having a bad day, some wish the rain would come so that the game is declared null and void or ABC - All Bets Cancelled. The courses here are usually infested with reptiles, not just monitor lizards (well I usually hear "iguana'' but they really are monitor lizards, we don't have iguanas here). It is the only place in this world where the ABC of crocodiles are domiciled in one place. They are the Alligators, Buayas and Crocodiles. There you go - ABC!

In the old days, well before they have keyless entries to your cars, you actually carried a car key in your pocket. Some folks  conveniently pulled out the car key, pressed the lock at the driver side car door and slammed the door shut. Then one day, he forgot and didn't pull out the key but he locked and shut the door and suddenly he realised that he just got stranded as he didn't have a spare key. We are all creatures of habit. So from the very first day, one must learned that you should never lock your car doors without using the key. This way you will never shut yourself out. Also have a spare key made.

But you can't do this with golf shoes. You don't carry a pair of shoes as standby although you can have a few pairs at home. Then one day, I realised that my golf shoes opened at the mouth of the sole and the sole's sides opened like an alligator, buaya and crocodile would open its mouth. It is distracting and can be a distress because you want to have a wider range of choice to purchase a new pair. So I walked into the clubs' new pro shop (new vendor) and found something interesting. Golf shoes where you do not need to change studs. You can even wear them casually or go straight from outside onto a golf course.

They were having a promotion. 20% off and another $20 off if you traded in your old shoes. These shoes are styled wide and so they are comfortable, water-proofed and light. Wearing them immediately got my game going such that I earned back the first instalment of friendly bets. Eventually I may consider putting my sponsors' name on the front, sides or back of each shoe. Of course the front space would be premium reserved for the top sponsor.

White is nice but too easily dirtied so I went for black.

What are they? Crocs. Not alligators not buaya but Crocs.

I can say that they are good as I have described earlier only time will tell if they are as durable. Talking about crocs, I have just learned of something recently. There was this crocodile farm right along Upper Serangoon Road and I have taken bus trips past it many times in our youth and even as I lived in the area I have never been there until one day in 2011. Please see my posted article previously.
(if you can't access directly, just highlight the link, right click and click "go to")

When I drove past it recently, the place has been vacated. May be sold to a property developer. We have driven out everything, even the alligators, buayas and crocodiles!


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