Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law simply suggests that: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". The Law's namesake was Capt. Ed Murphy, a development engineer from Wright Field Aircraft Lab. Frustrated with a strap transducer which was malfunctioning due to an error in wiring the strain gage bridges caused him to remark - "If there is any way to do it wrong, he will" - referring to the technician who had wired the bridges at the Lab. I assigned Murphy's Law to the statement and the associated variations (Wikipedia).

Tell that to macho man Charles Bronson:

Doris Day a beauty in her time once sung to us Que Sera Sera -which means Whatever Will Be Will be. If anything that can go wrong will go wrong then whatever will be will be.

Murphy's Law

Firstly, let me see a show of hands who among you subscribe to Murphy's Law - "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." To begin with if one subscribes to Murphy's Law, are you a pessimist or optimist? Depends on whether you see the glass as half empty or half full. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong could get some people unduly worried as anything that can go wrong will go wrong any time, anywhere, anyhow to anyone. 

How can anyone ever relax? You had better worry and be a control freak! The more you can control people, information and just about anything else conceivable puts you in a winning situation right? Wrong! Look around you, there is only so much one can control. You will need some luck, some blessings, some favours, some help. You got lucky! You can have a plan but it will be largely directional but in real life, not everything goes as planned. Most plans do not bear fruition.

Others leave everything to God which by itself is not wrong. Only my creator or manufacturer can issue a recall or mandate or an expiry date. I am powerless. You submit yourself to a higher authority. Not bad, good try, keep it up. If you keep leaving things to God and yet continuously hurt people intentionally or otherwise or do so selfishly or out of habit, I think you have use the name of God in vain. I would be angry if you use my name let alone God but it is okay if you pray for God's blessing and after praying you go and do your sincere best.

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong is an acceptance. You embrace an acceptance not reject or go into denial. An example is you can't decide or alter the weather even with the best technology in weather forecasts. You may plan for a golf game in advance and then on the day, you saw a dark cloud and its bugs you and you keep thinking it is going to rain till it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look around you and ironically you will often find self-fulfilling prophecies happening everyday. You are golfing and there is only one tree on the fairway and you hit it. It is like driving your car in a desert and there is one tree and you hit that tree.

If "anything that can go wrong will go wrong", then it is also safe to say that "everything that can go right will go right" ain't it? The main question then for most of us would be on a typical day or on average how many things will go wrong and how many are going to be right? 50-50? Some folks would argue that there are people who doesn't drink and suffer from liver cancer, those who does not smoke and had lung cancer. So what if you are diabetic? If your time is up, you go. Anything that can go wrong, will. Is this a correct assumption?

A negative mind or person sees only negative things while a positive one see a vastly positive picture most of the time. Because you keep a score of all the negative things, you can see your trash bin overflowing. It is only good to learn from these negative experiences but nothing more. Weeds are not allowed to take root in your lovely garden and the lovely garden is your mind. Alright , stop searching, I know some of you don't even have your own mind. 

Sod's Law

However, it is convenient to blame everything on Murphy's  Law. Frequently, it is used in a negative light. Equal to or worse than Murphy's Law is Sod's Law. Sod's Law suggest that it will rain when you needed sunshine, nature will ganged up and rain on your parade or your weekends, on your wedding or whenever you golf. Sod is essentially short for sodomise in a non-sexual way. It's like saying you've been screwed. So when Sod's law is applied to you  do not be too happy. I am sure that includes a situation where you are waiting for a bus and the number of your service route never came while it always appears when you do not need them. Ditto when waiting for taxi. Taxis are everywhere when you don't need them. When most in need of a friend you can't find one. Then one came along just to sod you!

Some religions teach us detachment. That we should not feel attached to worldly stuffs. The material world will go to the moths and rust. We are also taught not to worry like worrying about tomorrow and many other things. The flowers in the fields are clothed and even the sparrows are fed. How many of us are not entirely chasing the worldly stuffs? Some people come to you, speak to you or sit down with you only because you have something they need or they need to use you for a purpose or there could be of some economic value. Once used, you will be discarded like sugar cane or orange pulp.

Remember that it is important to count your blessings each day and all the time. You count your blessings just on where you were born don't you agree? When someone has a parent, spouse or child that is in a hospital and the situation does not look good,  you know that the best people - the doctors can't do much more, I am sure you will whisper a prayer under your breath for a miracle, for God's healing even if you were a free thinker who does not believe in God. Maybe your knowledge has an in-built conscience that activates like a car's air-bags in emergencies.
While everything seems right, things can suddenly go wrong. Look at the US's and Europe's economy and the frequency of troubles on the horizon, recessions, natural disasters. So you are thinking that according to Murphy's Law, anything that has can go wrong, already has. Sometimes, when things fall it is a bottomless pit and can get hellish. The light at the end of a tunnel could be an oncoming train. So take life as it comes, don't take yourself too seriously and do not forget to have fun.  

Forget Murphy's or Sod's Laws. Think of the G-force Guru's Law. G-force is a force acting on a body due to acceleration or gravity, measured in units of acceleration equal to one "g". A 12 pound object undergoing a g-force of 2g will experience a g-force of 24 pounds of force. Not everyone can take the same amount of G-force or we may all end up as pilots. We can get blackouts. The G-force Guru's Law is to take what you can take and leave out all the rest. Here's Linkin Park:

What am I leaving when I am done here? What is your legacy? Do reflect on your life's journey as time flies by looking at these bottles of life. If you have trouble understanding Murphy's or Sod's Law, look at Lance Armstrong now.

Milk bottle, Coke bottle, beer bottle and beer on drip. Remember Murphy's Law that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Meantime, always do what is right and do your best then be happy. 


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