Golf @ JCC

I remembered when I was once a term member at JCC or Jurong Country Club. It was an interesting golf course. It was different and special because it was a walking course. That was how golf is to be played originally - walking. Once could easily walk for 6km on an average golf course. With uphill slopes thrown in, it could be longer plus the calories burned when hitting. Remember that we should keep fit to play golf and not golf to keep fit.

Unfortunately, quite a lot of people were reluctant when I invited them as they would go: "Huh, walking course?" Singaporeans are spoilt. If they can they will get an auto club that swings by itself after pressing a few buttons or play with individual robots that represents them as in the movie "Real Steel".

After a few years, they offered me to convert to full membership at maybe more than $40k less what I had paid for the years as a term member so maybe less another $10-12k. I didn't take the offer and today it is going for some $50k? "Oh, you should have done it!" the Jurong people were telling me recently. Sure, I need to find the spare change I mumbled in my heart.

It was at JCC that I learned about good caddies. All were good in that they do play the game at one time or another and some are pretty good and are highly experienced. A really good caddy knows what club is needed for each shot and distance once they saw you play and he knows when to talk and when not to. I know one or two that I really like but today being a buggy course, their livelihood has been threatened.

And so when the place has completed a grand change over, I visited for a round. From the eating terrace, I saw the last hole of the second nine with nice landscaping at the back.

The scene between the last and tenth hole. The entire course is now more well defined and I think it punishes long hitters less.

This one has such a lovely bunker just across the water that if you ever get there, you may feel like having a picnic at the beach for it is a beach bunker.

The longest par 5. I find that JCC is now really friendlier for long hitters. The water hazards that used to cut across are now reduced by at least a third. You have a lot more space to land your ball to the safer side. No more Kai Tak airport landing.

Even the 9th hole looks more open except that they place many bunkers at the far end to trap you if you hit long enough. Golf course designers are sadists who place traps to snare you up. Golf courses should lay up more bunkers to trap those who play from the blue tee as well so that those less proficient will not think that playing from blue is better when they should be playing from white. Essentially, we should all just speed up play. Why stay for 5 hours when you can do it in 4?

The fairway condition is fantastic. Well cushioned turf that makes for very good club/turf interface.

But there are now more undulation on the fairways and especially the greens.

Greens are not as fast measuring about 7.6 on the Stimpmeter on the day. This means you can actually go for it but you will need to read the line carefully. However, the ground seems hard and the ball can also really roll away if you are not careful.

Landscaping has gone up several notches too. Just look at this when you look out from the halfway house. Lush. Birds would want to lay eggs here now.

I simply love the buggy here. It feels like a continental car. The best part of this buggy is that you just need to stop it. Once you apply the brakes lightly to slow down, it stops by itself and does not roll or having to step onto the brakes again to lock it. All buggies should be like this.

Even the long par 4 of the nine hole is so friendly even if you got caught to the right. You will still find yourself playable.

Finally we returned and it left me entirely impressed.

And the dear person who invited me also ordered something special off the menu as the chef specially made this for us. Thanks.

Golf as in life, play as it lies.


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