
I read an interesting article in the Straits Times about one Mr. Yeoh Lam Keong, an ex Chief Economist with the GIC who lives in a Housing Board flat, takes public transport, eschews holiday resorts with air-conditioning. And his values to live by? "I'm convinced you need these deep-seated values - compassion, reverence for life and its beauty and a sense of an eternal rather than just chasing money, power or fame. Unless you have that spiritual foundation, it is very hard to stay sane or be truly effective". He admires Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh who helped rebuild bombed villages, set up schools and resettle homeless families during the Vietnam War. The word here is spiritual foundation and spirituality is one of the values Singaporeans identified as one of the important values.


Body, mind and soul means physical (not fiscal as there's no money here), mental and spiritual. What is spirituality? Spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit. A quality and manner of being spiritual, an inner path for people to discover their being, the deepest values of life or the meanings by which people live

Spirituality is a simple word but yet it is a very complex thing which is not easily attained. All people for a start will view spirituality differently. With different perceptions come different thoughts and ways of attaining it. One's personal experience in the journey of life will probably dictate which path you will take in your spiritual journey.  

The World We Live In

In the world we live in today, you will find some people escaping from the harshness of life into a more spiritual world of meditation, alternative healing or simply to feel detachment to a world full of problems with wars, poverty, jealousy, betrayal, anger, frustration, hatred, distress, disappointments and worries.

Spirituality is something that can be immensely powerful if harnessed and practised appropriately in order to achieve balance in life. Spirituality is different from superstition though for some folks spirituality can lead to superstition as spirituality may involve the belief in supernatural powers as in religions. Spirituality can therefore be the same as in religion but New Age practitioners hold the view that spirituality is not equal to religion but others will believe that spirituality without religion is like using your own battery without plugging to a power source.


Religions are beliefs and structures put in place and where others agree upon values to maintain morality in life. It establishes moral codes and offer doctrines that are shared or taught. There is also an attitude and sense of the community and service. Religions have also involved in the arts, music and architecture in history. Religions teach the Golden Rule of "doing to others as you would want others do to you". So simple and profound and yet so few highly skilled practitioners.

When religion or certain beliefs are being imposed onto others with rigidity it will certainly cause more harm than good. It will kill the greatest gift for mankind which is the gift of choice and lead to conflicts and chaos for those who hold different beliefs.

Your belief in God or a great religion when applied too rigidly do not draw you closer to God. A better way will be to live your life as an example. Have you met people who are overly religious? Or people who live a double life. Do you live a life so that you look  so religious because other people are watching?  Have you met people who are too self righteous? The other day, I was at a place of worship and when everyone closed their eyes to pray, I opened mine to peek. I saw a person smoking at one corner and I got so shocked I nearly spilled my beer. Just an illustration but I'm sure you got my point.

Religion And Spirituality

Is there a difference? Or are they the same? No, they are not but they are linked and may be found at the same time. If you are without a religion that is without a commitment to any specific spiritual practice. Are you called a free thinker then? Do you have spirituality outside of religion. Do you believe that humans have souls and there exist a spirit being inside each one of us? That there is a conscience implanted in all of us such that we actually know what is right and wrong. 

Like a child who has done something wrong but lied about it even when no one taught him to lie. Adults do the same things too. They know is it wrong in his conscience but decided to do it anyway because either no one is watching or he stood to gain from it then justify to himself that his conscience is clear. Really? What all humans need to duly understand is the cause and effect or every situation for every cause there is an effect in terms of the way you think, say or act.

I often hear people saying "This guy is alright, he just talks too much, gossips and say bad things about people. He's just got loose lips and a bad mouth but his heart is okay". Really? A tongue six inches long can kill man six feet tall. It is also common to hear "it does not matter what you think or say, what really matters is what you do". Can be profound and true in that no matter what you think or say, at the end what really counted is what you do as in you think and say bad things about some one but at the end you helped and saved them. That is still good but when you think, your thoughts shall become words and words can become actions. This could lead to being a habit that develops into character and then it becomes destiny.  

Going to a church does not make one a Christian just as going to the farm does not make one a farmer. Regardless of your religion or denomination, it is about life application. Human kind are flawed and full of frailties. That is why you read about evangelists, priests and monks involved in all kinds of unsavoury cases. If you are just looking and saying the right things it is just a physical appearance or in an approved way.

Spirituality has to be an individual development like a personal relationship, progress and growth. Quite often, only when you are at your worst, down trodden,  desperate, miserable and in pain that a real transformation in your spirit takes place. Why do some people think that Singapore lacks soul or despite our success, people may still not be happy?

Some folks are simply religious, even over-religious or mixed up religion with superstition or frown upon others with a self-righteous attitude. Being religious takes effort as a human as one wanted to show Man that you looked good, religious or godly. A spiritual person has a spirit of wisdom and knowledge, is calm with sensitivity, at peace and slow to anger. If anything, a relationship with God is personal, there is no need to show to men. 

People Who Live In Glass Houses

There was once a woman who was caught for adultery. The Jews were trying to set a trap for Jesus a they pressed him to apply the law of death by stoning for such a person and Jesus simply responded by saying "Let he who has no sin cast the first stone". Those people were stricken by their own conscience and quietly, one by one they left. Jesus then turned to the woman and commanded: "Go and sin no more". 

People should not be too quick to judge others. Listen to the full story especially if there are two sides to it which usually is the case. Don't be so quick to condemn others. Wait till all the evidence are out, you won't be too late. Too often, people are just to quick to judge and condemn others when they do not know the truth. Anyway, which one among us is the most righteous? There is none, we are the pot calling the kettle black. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Everybody should be stoned if we applied such rules.

This story has compassion and love. There was wisdom, mercy, truth, forgiveness. There will also  be people out there who will not mix with others or certain people. I want you to know that Jesus sat down and ate with sinners. In other words, he hates sins but love sinners and that is what we could learn to do. Do you think after this episode that the woman in question will continue her life the same old way or would she have lived differently in that life changing moment? This is Grace at work and what to be graceful meant. Sometimes in life, you will witness people making such graceful and wise decisions though very rarely but many are at the opposite ends which means the opposite of grace - disgrace.

Giving And Grace

Jesus came to his disciples and asked "haven't you any fish?" "Throw your net on the right side of the boat to find some". It was not try over there or you might get some here. No "ifs" no "buts". Later they could not even get the net onto the boat because there were too many fish in it to haul up. It was given before they even asked but they threw the net in the direction they were instructed otherwise their labour would not be fruitful. 

How should we rather be? There is nothing wrong with being religious. It makes one good and can make the world a better place so be it. One can look quite religious and do selfish things to hurt others without batting an eyelid but to me being spiritual means your spiritual being would lead the way of your mind in your daily dealings. Remember what I said earlier that  - spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit. A quality and manner of being spiritual, an inner path for people to discover their being, the deepest values of life or the meanings by which people live.

What are the deepest values of life or meanings by which people live? Empathy, Forgiveness, Kindness, Honesty, Humour, Perseverance, Principle, Hope, Gratitude, Open-Mindedness, Humility, Courage, Fairness, Justice, Sincerity, Self-Control and probably more. Nothing here suggest money or other material stuffs.

The Pharisees were at one time a sort of political party or social movement and a school of thought among some Jews. They have extreme piety and went to great length to demonstrate that piety. They lived by stringent set of rules. They are critical of people who did not lived as they did. They may say that a certain job must be done by morning and some rabbis went a step further to declare it must be completed by the previous night. Do you know some Pharisees in the work place or among people? They were religious ideals who were accepted as spiritual leaders. Some of these were hypocrites.

Regardless of you religious inclination, religion and spirituality must be good and we must do good. None of it should be bad, absolutely.
You can be both religious and spiritual but being religious alone is not enough, you have to be spiritual because if you believe humans have souls then we are spiritual beings. Be spiritual. 


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