Fish Book

We have face book. If we were all fish, then what? Fish book anyone? I last wrote about fish behaviour.

It is actually mind boggling and frightening if you look at the species of fish everywhere and it keeps you wondering if they were creation or evolution. I keep telling myself that it is creation as only in creation that life and things can be beautiful and super functional. Just look at this puffer fish. 

A Giant Snakehead (Toman) and Mayan Cichlid living together. It is obvious which is the more aggressive fish but they have no problem and only on some days, the smaller cichlid would irritate the bigger one.

So this is what it got. A few light bites to put him in place but the cichlid has attacked other fish even bigger than it is. It is in its nature. What is your nature?

The Toman is a voracious eater.

My son reared them from small frys till they are big.

A friend asked how it feels when a fish you reared for a long time dies? Sad. Just like an old friendship or relationship dies if you know what I mean.

Do not be fooled by looks. If looks can kill, this will. The Toman is a killer monster fish. I think a Toman can kill even a solitary Piranha. Piranha works well when in a school. Look at the fellow's mouth, there are sharp teeth in there. "What are you looking at?" it seemed to be saying.

The Peacock Bass is rather well behaved. It can be bullied by bigger or more aggressive fish but can exert itself against smaller or less aggressive ones.

It is a beautiful fish. I like its colours and fins. It has co-existed well with others mostly.

Fish like humans can change their colours when they are frightened or aggressive.

The Peacock Bass has powerful jaws but no teeth but its lower jaw appears that it needed corrective surgery.

Here's looking at you Sam.

The Gar's body is covered with hard diamond-shaped, interlocking plates.

Such scales are armoured protection against predators. It has an elongated snout with nostrils located at the tip. It is a peaceful fish.

The Bichir is quite a decorated fish with an elongated body and can grow to 2 feet long. It has a series of finlets at the back which are like an armour. It looks primitive and really is a strange ancient fish. It does not fight with others.

Its real name is Polypterus Endlicheri for this one.


This prehistoric fish is the airforce as it patrols the top and is a high jumper. It can easily leap out of a tank.

Look at its smug and arrogant face.

Look at its strong body and those scales.

Has anyone ever eaten an Arowana? How does it tastes like? Steamed, fried of curry fish head?

Plecos are basically like vacuum cleaners. It cleans up the tank. They are "suckers" that can grow to quite a size. They can suck on the glass, from the sand or stones.

Lazy ones actually suck from the pump. 

Sometimes they suck on to other fish. Their body is actually an armoured plate.

They are also creating all kinds of hybrid fish or or what you might call them. New types of species like these strange looking ones can be spotted. 

Another favourite big fish is the Pacu, a cousin of the fearsome Amazonian piranha.

Many Monsters Fish Keepers also like the Red-Tailed Catfish.

It is a beautiful fish with rich colours.

And it can grow really large.

What are you looking at?

All good fishermen, anglers or fish keepers should know that we should take care of our planet earth and the environment. If you want to eat fish, buy it from the market. Other fishes are for sport fishing. Well, as least some fish from the sea can be eaten but please do not cast a net and bring home every fish even from our inland waterways. All small fishes should also be released!

My son saw and took this picture of sail fish getting hung up at the Marina probably after a fishing trip by some anglers. I was not sure if they were later sold or offered to restaurants as food. What a thing of beauty! What a waste if they were left for dead and wasted.

We humans are no different from fish. Some seek to dominate others. When new ones are introduced into your tank, I mean work place or circle, they can get bullied. Those that are more aggressive,  bigger, stronger or more powerful will dominate the weak and the poor as you can read from news around the world everyday but we humans have a mind and a heart unlike jelly fish that has no brain or heart. Jelly fish not only have no brain and heart, it stings! So use your brain and heart always.

Note: It is not easy to take a photo of a fish as they are constantly moving.


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