Dads For Life

Any man can be a father but it takes only one special person to be a Dad! It is easier to become a father than to be one.  A man who does not spend time with his family and children can never be a real man. Fathers must love their children unconditionally. To be in our children's memories tomorrow, we have to be in their lives today - this is the slogan for "Dads For Life!"

Please read my previous article on fathers:

And a previous tribute to fathers:

A truly rich man is when your children run into your arms even when your hands are empty. Blessed is the man who hears gentle voices calling him father. Even the poorest man can can give his children the richest inheritance. 

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it - Clarence Budington Kelland. 

The father who would taste the essence of his fatherhood must turn back from the plane of his experience, take with him the fruits of his journey and begin again beside his child, marching step by step over the same old road. - Angelo Patri.

The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering-galleries, they are clearly heard at the end and by posterity - Jean Paul Richter.

A father is one when he was young, thinks that there is such a thing as Santa Claus, then later on in life believe there is no such thing as Santa Claus and finally in the moment of truth realised that he is Santa Claus. In fact I used to feel like a Christmas tree carrying many things in both hands and when two hands are not enough, I hung things around my shoulders, necks, upper arms, wrist, palms, fingers. Just short of a glittering star at the top of my head to complete the look. 

Let me celebrate and give kudos to all good fathers by dedicating some songs: 

Father's Love - Bob Carlisle

Through The Eyes Of My Father - Brianna Haynes

Kenny Rogers is a brilliant songwriter and storyteller.

To those fathers who are seldom home or are around for the family and in particular for their children, I strongly recommend that you put on this tag by pinning it on your shirt as they may not recognise the stranger in the house. "Who is this stranger in my house?"

Seasons In The Sun

"Goodbye papa please pray for me, I was the black sheep of the family. You tried to teach me right from wrong. Too much wine and too much song wonder how I got along...we had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time...but the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone."

The Living Years: Mike And The Mechanics

"Every generation, Blames the one before. And all of their frustrations, come beating on your door.  I know that I'm a prisoner, To all my father held so dear. I know that I'm a hostage, To all his hopes and fears. I just wish I could have told him, In the living years.

Crumpled bits of paper, Filled with imperfect thought. Stilted conversations, I'm afraid that's all we've got. You say you just don't see it, He says it's perfect sense. You just can't get agreement, In this present tense. We all talk a different language, Talking in defence.

(Chorus) Say it loud, say it clear. You can listen as well as you hear. It's too late when we die, To admit we don't see eye to eye. So we open up a quarrel, Between the present and the past. We only sacrifice the future, It's the bitterness that lasts.

So don't yield to the fortunes, You sometimes see as fate. It may have a new perspective, On a different day. And if you don't give up, And don't give in, You may just be OK. (Chorus).

I wasn't there that morning, When my father passed away. I didn't get to tell him, All the things I had to say. I think I caught his spirit.

Later that same year, I'm sure I heard his echo, In my baby's new born tears. I just wish I could have told him, In the living years." (Chorus).

Children (of all ages), be nice and good to your fathers. Fathers be good to your children. Younger fathers must remember never to use their hands to hit their young children or to punish your children in anger. Hitting out in anger lets the child learns nothing. Also the hands of a father are the hands of love (when you "sayang", pat his back or rub her head), the hands of provision (when you feed or provide food) and the hands of protection (whenever you reach out to help, to lift and carry a child or to hug). You confuse your child when you raise your hands the next time as the child does not know if they are hands of violence.

Use only a rod (cane) to punish children and hit them in the buttocks. This will be a powerful symbol of punishment as they will recognise it and run for dear life when they see you carry it. However, do not overuse it as it will negate the effects. Spare the rod and spoil the child you must have heard before. It comes from Psalms 13: 24 - "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him". A child should get enough physical pain as a reminder but not lasting pain or physical injury nor be bruised or cut. 

Discipline is always done with love and correction, not for parents to vent their frustrations, parents should not abuse their authority. I have seen fathers and even mothers who hit out at their children with their hands and in anger or telling their children "I tell you to do it and you do it because I say so!" Only tyrant bosses say such things. Fathers should educate not provoke their children and punish where appropriate. A father can tell his children 1,001 things what to do and what not to do but the children will eventually do what a father does.

Having shared with you all the above, let me ask you to join me as fathers to say this even if you are an old man because you definitely have eaten more salt than your children have eaten  rice. (That is not to say fathers can do no wrong. In fact, be very careful not to do any wrong!):

Papa - Paul Anka

Old slow hand Eric Clapton tells you: Change The World!

"If I can reach the stars, pull one down for you. Shine it on my heart, so you could see the truth. That this love I have inside, is everything it seems. But for now I find, it's only in my dreams.

That I can change the world, I would be the sunlight in your universe. You would think my love was really something good. Baby, if I could change the world."

This Father's Day, let's remember the fathers who have a responsible role to play for family and nation. You are helping to create a future for mankind. Once you become a dad, you are a dad forever. Dad's for life! No turning back!

To put it simply, see if you can agree with me that many years from now, does it matter what car you drove? How much money you have? What type of house you lived in? What designer clothes you wore? But this world will definitely become a better place because you as a father was important in the life of a child.

Happy Father's Day! May God bless all fathers and make them strong and wise!


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