Pura Vida

Pura Vida is "Pure Life" in Spanish. Literally translated in Spanish it should be "Vida Pura". A truer and closer meaning would be "plenty of life", "this is the living", "great going" or simply "cool and awesome!" It can be used as a greeting when you have just met or saying farewell when departing. It is an expression of satisfaction, to say thank you or welcome or to make an expression when you turned up late. Just say "Pura Vida" and you should be forgiven.

In places like Costa Rica, you can find this expression of "Pura Vida" used commonly in so many ways, from a casual greeting to a synonym for excellent. Costa Ricans are called "ticos" because they like to add a suffix to their words for example "blanquito" will be said as "blanquititico". They are some of the most wonderful people on planet earth. In simplicity, it is their form of saying "Hakuna Matata" or simply "Life is Wonderful, Enjoy It!" It is a relaxed lifestyle. So I stumbled my way to Pura Vida at no.1, Boon Tat Street.

On closer inspection, indeed I have found Pura Vida. Looks like I have found health food to keep our sanity.

The question that you have been begging for is clearly displayed.

You will also get some safety tips here and there.

There is an open space behind if you like al fresco.

Here is Haree with yours truly. The spirit of Pura Vida.

Being a kind of like an audiophile,  I would also like to introduce you to the music of Chris Spheeris with yes, you guessed it - Pura Vida! Brilliant musicianship.



Casual and unpretentious. Come down to Pura Vida. Drop by to say hello to Haree. Pura Vidatico? I don't know, just say Pura Vida!


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