
Adios, Arrivederci, Au revoir, Auf wiedersehen, Farewell, Goodbye or Sayonara, it means the same thing. Fare thee well and God Bless Ye.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. Until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Whether I be far or near, may I hear only good news of you all. A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering angel so nothing can harm you. 

May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the way to your door. May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night (an Irish Blessing and Farewell).

Dr. Toh Chin Chye

Singaporeans bade their fondest farewell to another of their  founding fathers recently - Dr. Toh Chin Chye, even though many especially of the younger set knew little about him. More people knew now the crucial roles he played in each phase including the creation of our national flag, education, health and independence, etc. Dr. Toh was critical of some government policies when he became a backbencher but some of those he brought forth as concerns turned out to be true many years later as it was some 20-30 years ago. 

His concern on leadership renewal and the political apathy of its citizens among others and the CPF cut. I think there is something for everyone to learn here and that is when you are in a position of power or authority, your policies and decisions affect many other people. Your actions or even non action can hurt others. Dr. Toh was able then to see things in a clearly different perspective. I remembered on one occasion our then PM Goh Chok Tong described Dr. Toh as a team mate "dribbling towards his own goal but has yet to score an own goal" in soccer parlance. Here was a great man like Mr. S. Rajaratnam and Dr. Goh Keng Swee. Dr. Toh was described as "purity". Enough said. Farewell our dear and beloved leader. Dr. Toh knew jolly well that dishing out decisions and policies was entirely different from the ones at the receiving end.

Fandi Ahmad

Everyone knows Fandi Ahmad. When he was our soccer hero everyone cheered for him. He is also a very nice man but most unfortunately the fortune that he made from soccer was squandered in failed businesses ventures involving friends. His wife Wendy Jacobs had a fall previously and required long term care and had another recently which means more medical bills and with four young boys and no CPF sufficient to even buy a HDB flat. Do you still remember that when he got married, he invited the whole of Singapore whoever wanted to be there with him that day by building a big tent and catering so much food? That is the heart of the man.

The FAS did not or was very slow to make him an offer so he had no choice but to go to Johor. I want people to see for themselves how Fandi seemed to have been treated better by Johor than his own beloved country. He landed the Johor  job even when he could commit only half his time. It spoke volume about "trust and respect and sincerity too on the part of Johor. Even if Fandi were to be made an offer, he'll be the same as the last time - assistant coach to Raddy. 

In all my previous commentary on Singapore soccer, I have said the Raddy has done a good job bringing us where we have never been before. This is no longer the case. Why can't Fandi be the head coach? This is a problem that Singapore always has - the expatriates are better and it happens even in business organisations. Is there a glass ceiling in our own backyard? Our state of soccer is so low now it would be safe to say "he that is down needs fear no fall". So go ahead and appoint Fandi, give him a chance. What is there to loose? I say fare thee well Fandi and hope they do something to bring you back.

Patrick Ang

Long time Geylang United boss dedicated himself to soccer for so many years, gave his own money, time to the S-League and Singapore soccer and also boss of the Singapore team at one time. Patrick is a very busy man as Chairman of Evergreen Shipping and Eva Air. He had raised funds annually in the Eagles Golf tournament where I have participated. What made him quit suddenly? Frustration. Fare well Patrick. Now you can join me for golf. 


Etoile FC took the S-League by storm with their flair and attractive soccer. Then the FAS appointed their former chairman Johan Gouttefangeas as their no.2 man for the S-League for his savvy marketing plans without knowing about his other problems. Etoile has since pulled out and Gouttefangeas has quit. These things should not have happened at all. It was laughable and very "unSingapore" for such things to happen. Nothing wrong for Lim Chin as the no. 1 man for the S-League but another Army Chief? 

And the FAS chairman Zainuddin Nordin an MP and politician. Why? Where is private enterprise? Is Singapore really so short of talent? I don't think so. We just lack the talent and right attitude and mindset to search for talent. We are merely always fishing from the same pond. Goobye Etoile, goodbye Johan. Goodbye talent. Better be safe. A ship in a harbour is very safe but that is not what a ship is built for.

Home For The Elderly

I read that many residents in Woodlands and Toh Yi Estates petition against a Home for the Elderly to be built in their estates's void decks citing many reasons. When interviewed, people cited tat they needed to use the space for other activities. People do not mind this but "not in my own backyard please". 

It is of grave concern because I have witnessed a family where the old man has to leave his home carrying a plastic bag with bread when the husband and wife left home for work and did not come home till they do. While I do not know if that old man was a nuisance when left at home but is this the way to treat your parents? Then I heard similar stories from friends too! Let me tell you that I know of people who have even cheated their parents of their money and after their parents died they burnt lots of hell bank notes probably to show people or appease their parents's souls. 

How foolish! What you do, your children will follow and history will repeat itself. For these people who petitioned against the Home, it has never crossed their mind that they too will very grow old. When age catch up with them some day and the aching gets troublesome and they needed a home for the elderly, they will step onto their own banana skin. Moral decadence has set in slowly but surely in our society. Farewell to the education of the human minds. We have failed as a society. How sad.


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