King Of Your Throne

Imagine that everyone of us is a king. Everybody else that you come into contact are your subjects. You can't be as powerful as to order someone to be beheaded but still you are powerful enough to do or say things that can cheer up another person's day, inspire a child, help somebody , give them hell or create happiness.

Regardless of your status in life, whoever you are, you are a king or a person of influence in a particular sphere. It could be your family, workplace or even a group of friends. May be you are the one-eyed Jack in the kingdom of the blind. Whatever. The point is you will have your circle of influence somehow. You may even have your secret admirers!

The throne is the official chair or seat of a monarch seated on state or ceremonial occasions. It is of royal power, dignity and sovereignty. A king always sit in his throne. When a King is no more, he is dethroned. An emperor is very much the same. 

The only throne that everyone sits on is the one that is most important even before you meet  your subjects or got wished 10,000 years of long life. I mean people are funny, they feel happy to be wished such a long life when you know it is not possible. There is something about power that attracts. That throne I am talking about is the one where you do your own business in privacy. 

Some folks can go a week without release. That is constipation. At times, others may go on the reverse due to gastritis or diarrhoea. Which is better? Both are not good just like how some people speak, either verbal constipation or verbal diarrhoea. Have you ever had a stomach ache while driving or looking for a toilet? Then you found a toilet and was happy until you realized there was no toilet paper? Just dreaming about this in a nightmare is scary enough! It is like taking a bus or waiting for a taxi. When you need one they never appeared. 

So do you treat your toilets or some may call washroom with great care and respects? Or is your kitchen more important? If yours at home is clean and comfortable, why are public ones so obscene? I think the most important to have when one awakes in the morning is the smell of a good and clean toilet. That's where you go to first don't you? Even if you do it once a day but I know folks who is so full of sh*t that they need at least three times. Like a one in one out system. Some will do it everywhere they go as if it is a natural attraction. These are philanderers. A few can only do it at home. All amazing in their own ways.

The best thing to do first thing in the morning is not to say good morning but to go and release all toxic waste and historical and excess baggage. After that when you say good morning, there will be a sweeter smile. With that no fear of traffic jam anymore. Decorate it for visual effects if you must. 

I know some of you are avid readers too. You can carry the newspapers, books, magazines to read. Maybe you are such a busy person and that is the only time you are sort of grounded, so you need to read. A few folks may even have a whole book shelf in it. The work is not complete until the paper work is done or do you have to finish that article or the book first. 

In the old days, people used to live together in a large family. Your grandparents, your family, maybe another uncle's or aunt's families and a few other uncles and aunts and you only have one washroom where you do everything there. I wondered how we have managed to allocate limited resources and survived till this day. In today's society, you measure success but looking a washing machine, refrigerator, and how many television sets and computers in a family. You can also measure by counting the number of bath rooms and yet today's people will fight to use such facilities even when we have more.

Having a good washroom is like good defensive play in soccer. Every time you start play from your defensive line unless you concede a goal or at the beginning of each half. That's how you should start your day. Do it in style.

I remember during the younger days, some school children will be late for class and then when the teacher asked: "Why are you late?" The reply came swiftly: "Stomach ache". Looking back, it was kind of silly. At least now we can say "the train broke down". 

King or subjects, it is always difficult to learn good and do good or to do what is right. It takes a lot more time to become good or better yet it can be quick to turn bad. Humans are just like food. Without proper handling, given a wrong temperature or the environment, it can quickly to bad and the food don't even know it. We can turn bad or become evil over time, bit by bit and often we may not even know it. Moreover, as a person gets conditioned gradually, one can even justify to oneself that he is in no wrong.

Anikin Skywalker is a good example. Impatience, anger and hunger for power led him to the dark side. He "anikin bien pai liao". Watch:

Like your toilet seat which is your throne, each of us sits on a throne with different sphere of influence. What kind of King or Emperor are you or will you be? If you are the last emperor you may end up as a gardener. So be careful. Be a good King but do not be like a mini emperor. A good king of your throne. Take a good look at the mirror. Which side are you on?


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