2012 - Happy New Year?

Cyprus became the 99th country to have logged on. Happy New Year! It'll be a century soon.

The Fat Lady Sings On 2011

In the blink of an eye, 2011 was over. As in opera, it is not over till the fat lady sings and then curtains. Did you realize how quickly the days, weeks and months just flew by? Whenever I meet people from my teenage or young adult years, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia besides the old landmarks that I see which are also disappearing. over time I may not even know or remember who I am anymore. Why? Simply because those years were different and actually fun years. Adults years are all the same - work, pay bills, work, pay bills and once in awhile, every two years the SEA games, every four years, the Olympics, the World Cup and every five years, the Election. You'll get a bit of distraction when you got married or have a couple of childbirths. 

When my first child was born, Iraq annexed and invaded Kuwait. Everybody rushed to buy up milk powder and petrol prices went up. This did not worry me and I understood I can get enough milk powder but panic-stricken folks really cleared the milk powder off the shelves and what did was some Jehovah Witnesses or  others that distributed tracts that claimed that it was the end of the world. They even gave a date! And I was thinking: "Heck, this is not fair, my child was just born". Of course, I knew the "Truth", so this did not scare me. Friends and people I know started asking me if this was really the end? Then came 911 and the tsunami on Boxing Day, the tsunami in Japan and such questions and curiosity surged. 

Signs And The Mayan Calendar

This got me thinking and I found people generally do not care much about such issues going about their daily lives in their hurried world until something catastrophic happened and then they may take note. In recent times, more frequent earthquakes everywhere and with greater intensity seems to be the norm. Floods are occurring on a grander scale and in some cases, ponding. Financial crises are happening so often these days. There are wars and rumours of war. It did not help that they discovered that the Mayan, an ancient people has a perpetual calendar, something ahead of their time which provides calendar dates perpetually but found that its cycle is set to end in 2012 on 23 December to be exact. Maybe an asteroid will hit earth or an extremely powerful solar flare may occur. 

There are many more signs explained in the book of life but to explain in detail, I'll have to write an entire book or a series in my blog which will extend for a year. Why don't you go to Revelations and read it for yourself and if you have questions, you can ask me.

I want you to take note that when the Mayan calendar ends, it just simply means a new chapter begins. May be they ran out of ink or paper. The folks who said it is the end of the world are doomsday experts. Not all of you knew about this Mayan Calendar. The only calendar you are worried about is to find out when you can connect a long weekend with an additional  day's leave or for your golf dates. Then the folks in Hollywood put their creative talents to good use, take a look at Deep Impact,The Day After Tomorrow and Armageddon. Watch:

The first time I heard about the end of the world was from Skeeter Davis in the 60s when I was just a little child. Unrequited love seems like the end of the world. Then later, some folks found out to their relief that they were lucky they did not end up with the same person whom they were pining for. Watch:

Don't Worry - You will never get out of this world alive. 

Are you prepared? It's too late to learn swimming now. Do not read too much into the newspapers. Dog bites man is not news. Man bites dog is news. I read the newspapers from the back page because the daily is all bad news so I start with sports. If you want to read good news read the gospel as gospel means good news.

They put on the front page a plane crash but did not report about the thousands of flights that went smoothly. They report about some looming recession. The worst way to close the year is knowing that the new year is going to be a recession year. You are going to have to work harder for less. To get out of a recession, everybody should be spending more! The irony is that when there is an impending recession, everybody cuts back, from governments to groups and individuals. You merely bring forward the recession and prolong it. If you were in some other countries, you lose your business or job you can go back to your parents in the village and eat off the land be it yam or sweet potatoes. 

Will The World End?

Does it matter to you when the world will end? Or that it will one day end? Metamorphosis is  but a life cycle. We are no better than butterflies but just superior and has a conscience and free will. Please see my previous article on "Butterfly": http://gforce-guru.blogspot.com/search/label/Butterfly.

Just as a seed must die before it begin to grow into a new plant. Seeds can remain dormant for different periods of time and yet are still able to germinate under proper conditions. Humans are not unlike seeds and we must sometimes put aside or put to death bad practises and habits or those that prevent us from growing or being a better person. Once you sow that personal seed, it will begin to grow under proper conditions and at the right time your dreams like a thousand flowers will bloom, the plant will produce fruits and the fruits will produce more seeds and you will have your barnyards full and overflowing from harvest after harvest. 

The seeds that you sow today will be your harvest of tomorrow and you will "reap what you sow". Do make sure though that the seeds you sow are good ones! For you cannot afford to harvest bad fruits from bad seeds sown come the season to harvest. It could come back ten folds or a hundred folds.

Friends, the world will one day come to an end but it does not matter when it will be for truly no one knows. There are signs to read but that must never be the point. It is far better to live a blameless life, a life without regrets. Better to say sorry and ask for forgiveness or to forgive. Spend more time with your family, loved ones, true and good friends. Show your love always and fear God. 

When you see an earthquake or tsunami coming, can you grab  your money and run? What would be your your first thought? Tomorrow golf, how? Live like tomorrow will be the end but plan like it never will. Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, sing, dance and live like there is no tomorrow but give me all your money. Smile and laugh always.

When you feel miserable, give yourselves only five minutes of it if you have to worry or fret simply because we are humans with emotions but no more and snap out of it. Wallow in it, enjoy it if you like, embrace it and then move on quickly. Life is too precious to waste time on petty arguments or unhappiness.

So the more we get together the happier we'll be. For  your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. For your things are my things and my things are my things. The more we get together the happier we'll be.  


Indomitable Spirit

Have an indomitable spirit and persistence  like this legend, help one another and pull together. Humans have an immense spirit to fight back, recover and triumph against all odds. Just remember you were once that one sperm racing against thousands and millions of them and you came in as champion. We were born winners! But then after all the conditioning we went through, all the pessimism we had faced and the obstacles we have cleared, we got tired, felt weak and grew soft at times. Time to awaken the giant within.


Have a Happy New Year full of joy and peace! The thing about happiness is that you must first choose to be happy then the rest falls in between. Take that step. During God's creation He spoke and things happened. He said let there be light and there was light. So please say "I am happy and I will be happy" and so it shall be. Let this light from the heavens shine on you. 

When you do this, you will be ready. Come what may.  That is also the reason you wish each other a Happy New Year! Mean it and accept that blessing! So watch your tongue this year and say positive things to yourself and to others. Do not say - "die, die".


Meteorites and asteroids may strike, may be it'll be a solar storm. The magnetic poles in the North and South poles may shift, super volcanic eruptions and super earthquakes or just global warming.  The actual thing could be a lot worse than those depicted in the movies. Who do you run to or where do you run from? Who do you trust? In times of trouble and calamity, spirituality increases. Find God. I have decided to be happy. Join me!

I am not afraid. I am ready. What about you?


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