Are You Stressed?
Are you stressed? "No! I'm not!!" If your reply comes with the exclamation marks, you are. Are you drunk? No, I am not and this is often the expression of people who are drunk. Caution!
I wrote a previous article on stress and I attached the link for your easy reference.
Do you feel like you have to do everything now? I mean NOW!!

Stress is a strange thing. Everyone needs some in order to improve, compete and achieve. Yet too much of it drives people's system out of order, make people sick, become irrational and spells trouble. Very often, you are too busy and so into it that you won't even know. For many of us the common retort is: "I have no choice".
I wrote a previous article on stress and I attached the link for your easy reference.
Do you feel like you have to do everything now? I mean NOW!!

Stress is a strange thing. Everyone needs some in order to improve, compete and achieve. Yet too much of it drives people's system out of order, make people sick, become irrational and spells trouble. Very often, you are too busy and so into it that you won't even know. For many of us the common retort is: "I have no choice".
Yet life is all about choices and one of life's great gifts is choice. Our hectic personal and professional life is I am afraid of our own choosing. Therefore, that particular fixed pattern of stress became part of our life. Yes, there are some folks who really do not have a choice or they have only few choices. This is the politics of life if politics is about trade off - which is of the greater good?
All too often, most of us rush through life, hurrying from one place to another, trying to cut the next deal, conquering the next challenge, scaling the next mountain, running around like a blue ass fly because we feel we do not have enough time to do so many things for we are living in a time compressed world living at break neck speed. That is why every week and months just fly by. Are we really living life or rushing through life? Shouldn't life be a series of choices and living a stress-free life is one of those choices? A priority? No?
People have even fought for what they wanted but soon after getting them, they are discarded. Like bicycle bays. I have seen rusted bikes and torn covers suggesting their stage of rotting.
People have even fought for what they wanted but soon after getting them, they are discarded. Like bicycle bays. I have seen rusted bikes and torn covers suggesting their stage of rotting.
If you had never believe that copying or aping the lifestyle of other people, other culture, other countries then why do we conform to a lifestyle like everyone else? If our personal and professional life is caught in a swirl of chaos, it is our own choosing. People need to get new fixes, get a new high because it is tantalizing but watch your blood pressure.
Meet more people, buy more things, fit more things into our life. It is so easy to be lured into such a life, a head-spinning life where our "To Do list" will never get exhausted but we do. The thing is that we can never know when to stop and when you are caught in it, it may be very difficult to moderate or to get out. So which way do we go?
The only way to overcome all these, to counter, to balance is to simplify processes, use simple ideas in its simplest forms - in other words, to live a simplified life and the first thing you will have to learn is to - "slow down". Or replace your water cooler at the office with this. Everybody will be happy in a short while.
If you do not slow down, you cannot see through the clutter. You may collect expensive watches but fail to appreciate a simple painting or smell a rose. We don't want to end up the wrong side up!
(Please see the previous article on simple life).
Look at your current situation and ask yourself - is this the life I want to live. Or do you yearn for less complexity and less stress? Do you have an anchor and clear sense of purpose? Or are you living a life like this because others expect of you or is it your own ego? I want to go back to the "Good Old Days" where life was simple. Do you? Is is possible?
Finally, be very careful what you allow to take root in your life. Roots do not grow over night. Once it has taken root, it becomes very difficult to shake off or uproot as strong roots cling to the ground. If it has to sink roots, make sure they are very good stuffs and you will be fine. Please see the below link on my article on "Roots".
The evolution of things. Please do as I say and don't do as I do.
Have a wonderful weekend and a great year ahead with less or no stress! Aargh!! I feel so stressed!