TaylorMade Super Launch Hybrid

Old school golfers are still using their irons not believing much in hybrids when even the pros at PGA Tour are mostly converted. They are direct replacements for your hard to hit long irons not woods. I have done a previous article on it: http://gforce-guru.blogspot.com/2009/07/why-hybrids.html If you want an easy to use hybrid that isn't too expensive then just settle for one that is not the latest but yet not from the dinosaur's age and a good metal wood company is TaylorMade. The Burner SuperLaunch hybrid. Some hybrids are just chunky irons and others are more wood like. Even for those that are wood-like, there are two different species. One is build like an iron with more weight behind and actually look half iron-half wood. The Burner SuperLaunch actually look like a small fairway wood. I do have some misgivings looking down at an entirely triangular shaped club head but this one is rounded off towards its perimeter. What are the technical features of...