New Year, New You?

People wish one another a Happy and Prosperous New Year every year as we cross over from 31 December into 1 January. It is the time of the year where there are great festivities as it is just after Christmas and then following it the Lunar New Year. It is also a special time of the year because whatever you have been doing for the year, you have worked hard and deserve a good closure especially with a handsome bonus. Whatever it is, do not forget your acquaintance. Here's Auld Lang Syne. However, in recent times, things have become difficult and more complex. Because things are more costly or venues more difficult to get, some companies actually host their D and D way ahead of Christmas and as early as July or August but at this time of the year you are still struggling with work and you are robbed of the festive spirit or mood. Why don't they keep it closer to Christmas but change the venues to possibly cheaper ones or tho...