I Survived Pattaya - Part 2
Continued from Part One...
We found an interesting restaurant. The German Corner called Piccolo which sounded Italian.
Met some old friends from different countries. Many restaurants and shops in Pattaya have Russian names and menu indicating a very strong presence of Russians and probably Russian investments there.
I woke up to this from the balcony the next day. A sunny day.
I usually take the omelette at the hotel. Not this time. I have taken to the sunny side of things.
I love it that in Thailand they still do these bottled drinks. They bring back fond childhood memories.
A garden with a small waterfall at the hotel is great. A garden calms you down. They say Singapore is a Garden City so we should all be calm.
Very soon it was lunch time with a great starter as appetiser.
A rich mushroom soup.
And a very good steak for lunch? Aargh!
There you go. I am always concerned about a heavy meal over lunch followed by a meeting but it was good.

With such lovely dessert to signal the end of a good meal.
By the time we are done its evening. The sun was setting.
We need to have a cold one before anything else. Finally, I saw the beach. The sun was setting soon.
We may be going some place far away on the other side of town.
The hues of the sky were beginning to change.
In case you are not aware, the sun rises and sets very quickly. You have to be fast to catch a glorious one in its different state of undress.
Do you know that each and every sunrise and sunset is special as if they were made for you and me. Haven't you even noticed? When was the last time you have experienced one? Didn't you find the time for one?
See how quickly it has gone down. Do you know that every sun rise and sunset looks different from wherever you are? Even in different cities or beach in the world.
And they are different not just at different places but also at different time of the year? With the coconut trees swaying, the gentle breeze that caressed my face was like a kiss from the heavens. A whisper from God.
I barely just spun around to my left and this scene greeted me. I was in "the moment".
I was bewildered by such awesome beauty, peace and serenity. I could say that being there at the moment was already worth any ticket price.
Don't let the sun go down on me I say.
Another busy day was soon over. Another to go but I dare say the sunset was the best thing to experience.
We went to another popular hotel for a good buffet dinner. I like to pick my own vegetables and let them stir fry it for me. Delicious, healthy and hearty!
They have an entertaining 3 piece Filipino band there that could do all the favourite songs of yesteryears, my years. I sang along with them to the Beatles' Help!, Yesterday and the Eagles' Hotel California. It was good, very good. Made me want to join a band to sing again!
To Be Continued.....