I Survived Pattaya! - Part 1

Since a long time ago, I visited Thailand's many beach resorts and a few cities. Beautiful, interesting places with nice people and food but I have never once set foot on Pattaya, a beach resort where the US's seventh fleet once were. 

The reason was simple enough - I have to fly to Bangkok and travel by road to Pattaya. Back in the old days, the stretch of road here was treacherous. My motto has always been to "get there fast and then take it slow". So travelling an extra couple of hours was to me really unnecessary. This is not an irrational fear. It is not even a fear. More like a dread. It is the anticipation that kills. It came soon enough. The dread is worse in the head than actual. The roads today must be better I reasoned with myself. 

Yes and no. There were long bumpy stretches and it did not helped that it was a people carrier in the shape of a van. People were chatty at first but by an hour's time, most became silent. Time and space has taken its toll. It was dozers galore.

The great thing about any journey is the arrival. It was like golfing when you finally arrived at the green. Time to putt and move on. 

It is a very nice hotel with a beautiful garden smacked in the middle. A lovely garden indeed at the Dusit Thani.

I went to the 7th floor. I like the number 7. I peered out and this view greeted me making me happy and sad. Happy to be here and sad to be working and not on a sabbatical but being the ever grateful person that I am, it was good work and a good place.

The thing about hotel is we often pay quite a bit for it but seldom or hardly make full use of it especially the inviting bed in the room. One day I may just check in to one and sleep and laze around. An irony of life.

Everyone knows this is my trade mark by now. My pair of legs with the view in front. They say a picture paints a thousand words. I sent these photos to friends on whatsapp and email. It never failed to stir some reactions from them. I won't tell if there were some expletives. Just a reminder, no a challenge that no matter how serious or busy, we must find "that moment" wherever we may be.

Time for a cold one and some food perhaps.

Walking out onto the streets on a stretch nearer our hotel during the day gives you an impression that it is a sleepy town. 

Quiet and casual. Boring even.

Even the pussy cat no kitten here was lonely. In Pattaya, one should be using the right words. 

Sometimes when the planet gets lonely...

This is a man's best friend.

Some needed a munch.

The Dusit Thani, they are everywhere.

The night fell soon enough. It gets a little noisier and louder but this would be where you want to stay when you visit if you like a quieter place.

There are places to eat.

And shops around.

We were hosted to dinner at a nearby restaurant with a chicken symbol within walking distance. The food was good. This dish was fabulous.

Tom Yu m Goong was as authentic as you can get. I like my Tom Yum clear.

And their special chicken. Unusually good.

Never tasted any chicken like that. 

I could not tell and make up what or how they do it. It is just different. Well, let me continue the story in the coming weeks. 

To Be Continued...


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