Singapore Mirror - March 2014

A mirror only shows your face not your heart or soul.

Are Singaporeans Compassionate And Gracious?

Was Charlotte Ashton fair to label Singapore as a miser city? Her experience was based on an occasion one morning. In her 10th week of pregnancy was it apparent to all that she is pregnant? Should she has asked for help instead? Are all Singaporeans so unkind or were those around Singaporeans? Was the situation painted with a broad brush? What happens if you thought a woman is pregnant but she is not. She just has a big tummy. Besides the bus card reader, perhaps bus companies should install an ultra sound scanner to scan people then you know for sure if someone is pregnant. What if the scanner picks up someone's head but he has no brain? I believe there will be many more people who are most willing to help. However, Singaporeans should take note and use the opportunity to reflect on what we could do better. Are we a nation that always need to be told what to do or trained to to?

Or is our attitude one that is "this has not happen to me, why should I care?" We should be thinking we should not let this happen to anyone. Always remember that person in trouble could have been your spouse, children, parents or siblings. Wouldn't you hope that someone will help when you have a family member in trouble?

Do we Singaporeans suffer from compassion deficit? It cannot be as we donated generously to neighbouring countries hit by  natural disaster and tragedy. We have to have a better attitude. An awareness of things around us and common sense and manners. I related 2 situation before. I was carrying several heavy bags home from the super market and coming through the gate struggling to to tap my card to gain access. I held the gate to get through and a mother and her 2 teenage sons just brushed past me. How would it hurt them and would it not make them feel better for them to just hold the gate for me?

Next was when my wife was holding the gate waiting for me for a morning exercise and I was carrying my bicycle down a flight of stairs where along came these couples in their 50s and they just rushed past me when I was on my last steps and they just went past my wife who was holding the gate without saying thanks or even nod their head. I was puzzled and saddened because they were unbelievable occurrences. Shouldn't our behaviour be instinctive in such situation?  Singaporeans lack a sense of community. Way to go Little Red Dot.

Man With Hole In T-Shirt 

A former Singaporean beauty queen took a photo of a man sleeping in the train wearing a t-shirt with a hole and posted on social media. Is this necessary that we have nothing better to do than this. Uncouth isn't it? He is a hawker assistant who works far away from home and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has a father but how many know and understand a father's heart? What if her own father is in the same condition or subject to the same treatment? Folks who never experienced or saw poverty will never understand. Anyway, what's wrong if your shirt has a hole?

Why not people share meaningful things on social media like articles or pictures of inspiration, real humour that can make others laugh, any other things that are beneficial. You be the judge what are things in life that are shallow.

Cheating And Infidelity 

There was a newspaper report that said "Adultery putting more families at risk". Cheating and infidelity have surfaced since the beginning of time. There can be many reasons for it to happen. They get bored with each other, maybe they did not keep themselves in shape  or to look good any more. This is some kind of spousal neglect. Some folks look for excitement. Anybody can get married but few people can keep it well. You cannot maintain it without commitment. Moral decadence sips in unabated and continuously through technology and social media. Something once held as sacred is now "just sex". Some men and women may have affairs because they feel  that they still have what it takes. Couples even when you are much older must find time to bond and communicate. Trust is a key word here.

Few people perhaps none, understood that their actions can affect their children greatly. What happens if they were to marry someone like their parents who cheated? Seeing married people on the surface is also not a good gauge of the real situation. There have been situation of perfectly married coupled but on their deathbed, another family turned up.

If you are not ready, do not get married. First, examine and fully comprehend the meaning of marriage. Infidelity and adultery are totally meaningless exploits, irrational in behavioural and harmful acts. How  you view marriage at first from the very beginning determines how you would treat the value of marriage in the end. When one values marriage as a holy matrimony and of intrinsic value and how the family unit should be, you will not even be bothered by other legal issues that goes with a married life. As Stephen Covey once said: "Begin with the end in mind". 

You made a vow, swearing before God and men "in good times or bad, illness or health, I will love and honour you all the days of my life. Till death do us part". Vows are things that cannot be taken likely. A few years ago, I wrote this few pieces on "Why Do People Cheat" because there seemed to be rampant cheating going on at the time. Then "Men Are Pigs?" as some women wrote to say that men are pigs. In order to save your family I wrote "Fireproof Your Family" because everyday in life is a test and finally I shared "Life is like a movie" because what would you do if all eyes are on you as audiences. I recommend your reading it to see if you agree. Just highlight the link below, right click and click go to:

You don't know what you are missing in life until you loose them.

Just recently, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin were reported to be divorcing but they coined the words "conscious uncoupling". It sounded less ugly perhaps but conscious or not, it is the same thing and no matter how well you want to bring up the children, suffer thy children.

Another Ang Moh Bit The Dust - Dawn Ho, a  local jazz singer has finished her performance at Sentosa and while waiting for a friend saw a man berating a driver outside the limousine, shouting and banging the car. She was gutsy to walked to the man and told him it was not cool and have no right to speak to the driver like that. For that she was punched on the nose from a man twice her size as reported. The ang moh quit from his job after that. Served him right. Singapore do not welcome him. If he can't hold his drink then he should not touch alcohol and he should pick on the right people if he was game for a fight. I regard highly Dawn's courage and wish her a speedy recovery. 

Drug Deaths In KL - It was supposed to be a music festival in KL but ended up with six concert goers having died from drug overdose and many others hospitalised. These included two Singaporeans in critical condition where one had died. There were people freely pushing drugs. If you consume drugs and return you will get into trouble because it stays in your blood for a long time. Unsuspecting revellers can get into bad situation in such surroundings. Or were the people there not going in blind? Whatever it is, stay away from drugs. If you have to get high at least smoking or drinking is the lesser evil. 

Sugar - A Singaporean's typical or normal diet is bad. A doctor told me. Too much salt, too much sugar. A journalist interviewed a Coke big shot. A small Coke at the cinema has more than 20 sachets of sugar and a one litre cup has more than 40? I could not believe it. Watch:

Sugar can some real damage to our health so watch it. That is why I switched to beer.

Cat Lover Attacked Nurse - If you are an animal lover why do you attack humans? If you can pay a pro to trim your dog"s hair but got no $$$ for your parents, siblings, friends. What does it make you? Meow!!

The World Cup

MDA explained why the World Cup won't come free for Singapore as free-to-air broadcaster will have to pay for telecast rights and will account for a significant share of PSB funding thus having less money for other genres and local content. It may also unintentionally lead to a situation where no broadcasters in Singapore acquire the rights. 

Isn't it a fact that the Little Red Dot has been overpaying for EPL and FIFA World Cup rights? How did it come about in the first place. Are we not curious how the other many countries could do it all the time? Something is seriously wrong with our methods.

Tampines Road Death 

I do not wish to be judgemental. When people of my age were young, we do not enough $$. When we passed and got our driving licence, we have no car. If you are lucky, you get to drive your parents or friend's car. So we drive now and then until we are slowly seasoned before we could own a 2nd hand old car. Today's car are even more powerful. Early hours driving is dangerous as you may be tired and the roads are free. So young people go slow go easy, you have a future ahead of you. There are many people like family and friends who love you.

Adult slapped child - If ever your child has a problem with other children, let him or her learn how to settle their own problems. An adult must never lay hands on a child especially another person's child. Why don't they pick on someone their own size? Everyone will feel piss just watching this:

Food Wastage

Over 700,000 tonnes of food were wasted in Singapore last year and that is equivalent to one person here wasted a packet of economy rice or nasi padang everyday having went up more than 10% over the previous year. This included expired package products and cooked food. Must an affluent society behave like this? I am sure that wedding dinners and others like catered events of buffet and banquet are great wasters. Chinese wedding dinners should be cut down to size by having less dishes and smaller portions. Why would we need 8 or 9 courses? 5 or 6 is or enough?
You see lots of wedding dinners where on many occasions some guests actually left much earlier. Super markets, companies and bakeries could donate food that are near expiry date to charities. Some of us actually buy food for donation. I t would be even much better if we could circulate edible food and saved from wastage by the entire community to redistribute to the needy. If we ordered too much, you do not wish to waste food so we end up eating too much. So it is always better to order less and if still insufficient, then order again. This would be better. I know Chinese like to have more than less. It is time we take charge.

Let's make Singapore an even better place. To borrow a former SQ quote, "a nation where even other nations talk about"! Yes we can just do not get complacent.


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