Post CNY 2014

Horses are strong, fast and majestic animals. Those that have great endurance and do all the fetch and carry are work horses. Those that are really fast becomes race horses. Horses were the most natural form of transportation in the early days. That's why your car's engine power are referred to as horsepower. How many horses do yo have under the bonnet? Then there are the wild horses. Those who could tame and ride a horse became hunters while those who can't stayed back to gather branches for fire.

Some are stallions. Stallions are uncastrated male horses kept for breeding. Some great horses are thoroughbred. Thoroughbreds are pure-bred or a pedigree animal. Then there is the mustang which is a small breed of wild horse found in the North American plains that were descended from Arabian horses brought by Spanish explorers. Horses live in herds led by a stallion and a lead mare. There are many famous brands or even soccer clubs that use horses on their logos. Ralph Lauren, Porsche, Ferrari, Hermes, Ford (Mustang) just to name a few. So they are all good. Get ready for a good ride for the year ahead! What horse are you? A mystical Unicorn with something sticking out from your head?

With COE prices like now, it is time to bring back the horses. It is natural, organic and eco-friendly. Progress by name is not all really good. We used to go to the cinemas to catch a movie, meet people, read the newspaper, listen to music with a proper set up, write when doing some work and goof off by doing nothing by the sea under the sun. Now you just do all these on the computer. Are we better off?

So we must not be too quick to change. Changes are inevitable but not all changes are good. Sometimes, I guess we have to do things differently. I was told that if you want something you have never had, you have to do things that you have never done. Is that true? 

I was all bent on doing something different and on the first day of CNY, I left early to get buy ice. I had difficulty getting it last year so I had to do something different. Bingo! The iceman cometh! Ice 神 到。To get mum and dad's place ready for guests as per tradition. 

Dad shared his camera and bazooka. 

And his works with admirers.

With golf courses being reduced it will get too expensive. Maybe I could do it for another 10 years. I need to chase after a ball otherwise, I need a new hobby. Photography? At dad and mum's place we met many relatives. It is good to see them healthy and happy.

My fave dessert during CNY is mum's special ginkgo nuts. It can boost your memory. A few aunts remember my birthday during the 2nd day of the lunar new year. I must have caused mum tremendous inconvenience at the time but I must have brought a little joy too. Moreover, perhaps mum would have rested more than any other year. There are always positives.

Way before I learn about the cold, bitter and alcoholic one, this was a popular choice. It has been a long time old mate.

First time trying charcoal gold dust pineapple tart.

They say "8" is huat! 发 is my wish for you throughout the year!

We must not forget our foreign workers. If not for them, rain or shine, our rubbish will pile up.

After all the power food of CNY, simplicity. Porridge with a few slices of abalone. 

It is okay, only once a year. Certainly not opulence. Calmex is still the best but it is too expensive. So in the year of the Horse, Horse brand abalone would suffice. It is good too.

They told me in the year of the Horse, those born in the year of the Ox will have a great  year. One person typically remarked: "Why only a few $50 notes?" Put too much could mean the horse will be overloaded with hard work. This pictures mean, the horse year shall bring goodies...

So that the Ox just "relax one corner". Too much $$$ is not always a good thing. Provision and Providence are better. Enough is good.

We have intentionally been buying less each year. The more you buy the more you eat. The more stuff we buy the more stress.

The times they are a-changing. Even hong bao comes in a myriad of colours and materials. When you received one, remember the well meaning and well wishes not how much money is inside.

Went to a cousin's place. Look at the spread. 

Power! Prata man was all ready.

The tradition rolled out with the arrival of cymbals and drum beats.
Children took the front seats.

This was a white lion.

Still the best dance in the world!

The Jin Heng Lion Dance Troupe.

Rolling out good luck and well wishes.

The threw out orange peels that hit me and then they formed the words with a lucky number. I was later told that the number came out in the same evening and some folks got lucky.

Even the dragon came to party. 

Here is my cousin too. My bro.

No holiday for a few years with 2012 leave to clear. So before I got burned out, took it easy and shook legs. Woke up late at times which was a rare treat. Sir Run Run Shaw's secret was to rotate his feet. He lived beyond 100 and was a wealthy man. So start rotating your feet. They say you shake your legs and your wealth will go away. Its too late for many of us. Sigh.

I could not believe that I went to the driving range. Must have been like 1-2 years that I last did that. I wanted to try some old clubs to understand how far technology has advanced. This was an old Adams Tight Lies 3-wood.

Also the S-Yard 3-wood. Both are still very usable. The were both smaller than today's modern woods. Bigger crown, face and weight distribution means more forgiving. Newer clubs gives more forgiveness and better feel. But old can still be gold. That is why the government is giving a package for the pioneer generation. 

I was also home alone. So I dance like nobody's watching. Love like I'll never be hurt. Sing like one one's listening and live like heaven is on earth.

Finally got down to read. I am fond of reading many books at one time but never really completing them. Multi-tasking is bad. I managed that this time. Whether you like him or not did not matter. He got us here. Respect. There is only one man I will always read or watch him speak. 

Watched this movie. You should too especially for the guys.

The BP was very good when not working but the beer got the pulse up a bit. Problem is can it be maintained?

At my age, you got to surround yourself with young people.

The older you get the lesser the candles. They doubted you can extinguish the fire and sent the young ones to  help. 

The secret of life is to keep things simple. That is why the slogan "Keep It Simple Stupid". The KISS principle. 

The weather is getting hotter by the day. It is still windy but once the wind stops and the heat remains...I tell ya. The haze have started, you can't see it but look at your car. Lots more people are getting eye, nose and throat problems with cough. If we are not careful, we can get parched like this grass patch. I thank Indonesia for the oxygen they claimed they gave us and also thank them in advance they do not send the haze.

Clear and wash up your throat with lots of fluid.

Drink, drink, drink.

Cheers to a great year ahead!


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