
While we welcome the new spring which is the Lunar New Year celebrated by the Chinese, this year being the Year of the galloping Horse, let us not forget those who are needy or are left behind. Even the old, the weak, the poor and the less fortunate have their stories. If they are the less fortunate, we are by and large just the more fortunate. Don't you think? For we, none of us are special or immune to life's troubles. Let us always count our blessings and remember that we only pass this way but once. Whatever little we can do to help even just one person, let us do it now for we may never pass this way again.

First of all, what is charity and what is philanthropy?


Charity is simply generous love. It is benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity. A generosity and helpfulness toward the needy and suffering. 


Philanthropy is the goodwill to fellow members of the human race, the practice of performing charitable or benevolent actions. The love of mankind.


Therefore, love is charity and charity is love. In Greek, "agape" means both charity and love. Faith, hope and love and the greatest is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

I know many people who do charitable works. Some believe that by doing good which in itself is good, they can score brownie points to atone for any misgivings. But if we were to do good so as to benefit ourselves then the "selfless act becomes a selfish act". It is like parents telling their children, go do this and that then I will give you an iPad. The children don't want to do them but for an iPad, well...

If so, giving time and money to charity is good then giving a lot of money will bring us to the highest heaven? I don't think so. God does not look at your money. You must be kidding. He does not need it. Otherwise he is not God. He looks at your heart. We ought to be doing it because it is the right thing to do. The brownie points are just a kind of bonus. Seed theory here mate. You plant a good seed and it shall flourish into a strong tree that bears good fruits. Bad seed, bad fruits. So be careful what you sow in any situation. 

Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home

On the fourth day of CNY, I decided to join some friends as an observer to what have been their initiative for charitable acts. It has been an anonymous group who have identified a good place to start. We don't always have to wait for the government to do things. It is not big and it is not glamorous and there is no compulsion. We visited the "Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home". This old age home is a private nursing home that caters to low and middle income families that housed 110 aged residents in their twilight years. They strive to carry on the legacy of Madam Lee Ah Mooi in providing affordable and quality nursing care services to Singaporeans. 

Madam Lee Ah Mooi was someone special wasn't she? I do believe that we do have a bit of Mother Teresa in all of us but obviously Madam Lee went forth to champion it with compassion. Today this place is being run by her two sons and two grandsons. We hope that the government will continue to grant them continued lease on the grounds. I used to play soccer with friends every weekend nearby at the old Thomson School field.

If you look at this picture you will see a towering condominium behind. This is poignant for me in that in our busy lives in this material world, people like you and me will soon grow old so if we were to slow down and take a look, we shall realise and learn more about life around us. Many of us live in depression because we live in the past. Many others live in anxiety because they live in the future. Live your life in the current and live in peace.

I found the place full of serenity. It is well maintained and clean.

I believe that there are many good samaritans around among Singaporeans who are also doing their bit.  These groups of people are buying what are needed by the home and then delivering them. Sometimes there may be too much rice and other things are needed.

Such as canned food and beverages or detergent and soap.

Spartan laundry space at the home. In fact, spartan is the entire space.

I was grateful and honoured to meet Mr. Mark Then (second from left) and we had a really good chat about the home, his mum Madam Lee Ah Mooi, the elderly residents and heart-wrenching stories of old folks who were abandoned by their family or children.

Mr. Mark Then ushered us to the residents.

A group of elderly uncles were having their lunch.

We were there to greet them.

And of course it is the Lunar New Year and to add cheers.

We also gave out hong bao.

There was another elderly gentleman who was seated near his bed and when one of us gave him a red packet, he requested that it be placed under his folded blanket. Really alert! I like.

This is a special wall pin up of residents with their family, with staffs and also during celebrations.

Many of them who have contributed to this cause were unable to be present that day. Upon my urging for photo sessions those who were present relented. On the far left is Mr. Then Kim Yuan, nephew of Mr. Mark Then who is also running the place. There is hope whenever I see the younger generation involved that is "Kim" as we called him. You can join us too.

Looking at this picture, I was somewhat amused as it looked like a defensive wall was being formed as a free-kick was about to be taken as in a soccer match. The two gentlemen who did not fold their arms must be the manager and the coach.

Upon completion of our tour of duty, we adjourned for lunch. Everywhere was packed with people and long queues. It was at my old home town in Toa Payoh. Oh, how I miss this place where I grew up. 

I am doing this article because I hope to share a good story and for a good cause. I hope that it will encourage others to also do what they could in their own small ways or have your own groups. A small drop can create a ripple. You can go direct to Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home or to other causes that you deemed fit. I have previously done skits and songs at old folks home and children's home and it was a pleasure to bring joy to all the elderly folks and children. It brings you immeasurable joy.

After all, the best way to overcome our own problems in life is actually to help others. You will realise that whatever your problems, they are minute and temporal.

Wherever help is needed. Whenever we could help. We will be there. In our own small ways. We have chosen to be anonymous. Expect us. (I should have bought these masks and wore them but then we could have been mistaken). 

I leave you with some wonderful quotes to ponder: 

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when? - Rabbi Hillel

The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams but in active charity and in willing service. - Henry Wadsworth

He who wished to secure the good of others, has already secured his own. - Confucius.

Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good he does in this world to his fellow. - Moliere

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. - St. Francis of Assisi.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, in firmness with the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in. - Abraham Lincoln.

True charity is the desire to be useful to others without thought or recompense. - Emanuel Swedenborg

The qualities most needed are charity and tolerance, not some form of fanatical faith such as is offered to us by the various rampant isms. - Bertrand Russell.

I have showed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. - Acts 20:35

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Ancient Chinese believe that God created Man that is why on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year they celebrate 人 æ—¥, which means human's birthday. God must have put something in our hearts when we were created and human hearts can be tainted and hardened by the world and life's experiences but God also puts conscience in us so that each of us actually know right from wrong. How could family and children abandon their parents? I knew of people who cheated their parents' of their money. 

Remember that if we are in a commanding position, the great advantage is that we can do more good than others. Not less. Certainly not do bad things. Be conscious and aware and do a little good everyday. A smile, a greeting, a little blessing here or there. You will feel peace and joy in your heart. There is no greater reward out there. Have a good weekend! 


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