Self Praise

As it is right now, I have people from 69 countries who have visited my blog. The latest being Croatia. From nearly 1,500 readers in hometown Singapore, 350 from the USA, 60 in UK, more than 40 in Canada, 40 in Australia, more than 20 in Malaysia, Taiwan and India to almost 20 from Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Germany and 10 each from New Zealand and France. There are also many others from the Philippines, Ireland, Russia, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, South Africa, China, Belgium, South Korea, Switzerland, Colombia, Brazil, Finland, Sweden, Vietnam, Poland, Azerbaijan, UAE, Ghana, Cayman Islands, Serbia, Israel, Slovakia, Malta, Iceland, Mexico, Palestinian Territories, Norway, Romania, Swaziland, Turkey, Latvia, Luxembourg, Solomon Islands, Belarus, Burundi, Chile, Denmark, Hungary, Iran, Ivory Coast, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, and some from unknown territories.

Overall hits is at more than 407, 600 as the time of writing. It isn't easy but still there are others elsewhere that had hit a million, maybe more. Some talk cosmetics that got all the ladies interested others sells sex or show cleavages and some legs. Yet there are those that hook up to some schemes to get more hits, etc. Mine is plain and simple pure story telling of varied categories of interests. Still this is quite amazing that I could get in touch with so many people from so many countries and could share a thought and some inspiration. It was unfortunate that China has controlled some of these media like Blogger which belongs to Google and I have friends, readers and actually real fans there who really loved to access my blog but could not. They should just ban all the blogs except mine because I am all good.

They say that self praise is universal disgrace. I fully agree and will only indulge in a wee bit of narcissism. I leave you with real readers' comments:

"You should tune in to Geoff's blog. Whenever I can find some time at the end of a long day or whenever I need a fix of humour I do. I am amazed by his depth of knowledge and expertise in many issues. I thought I should share this hidden talent and be proud that we have such a talent among us. You will find his knowledge, analysis and advice useful in golf and also be immensely impressed by his expertise. Even if you are not a golfer, you will thoroughly enjoy reading the many articles. His great sense of humour cannot be suppressed even when talking serious stuffs."

"Good writing skills, great thoughts! Kudos!"

"There are bloggers who are very good at one topic or interest but I have never seen one who could know so much in so many subjects. Hats off to you!!"

"All so very well written!" How much do people pay you?"

"You radiate energy to people around you with your positive energy. A great bloke!"

"You are a Guru! Thanks for sharing so many interesting insights."

"Geoff, you really have a way with words. Your wit and wisdom together with your sense of humour and satire, philosophical intellect, powerful observational and analytical skills could really make you into one great writer in the literary world or a famous philosopher or social activist or all of the above. I mixed around in diverse fields at all levels and read a lot too - widely and deeply and I can tell you just cut it! I really enjoy reading your articles, you are really good and absolutely hilarious! I talked about you with other friends as we enjoyed your crisp writing so reflective of your wit, wisdom and satire that is so unmistakably you."

"You can write books and everyone should be queuing to buy!"

"Writing is your forte, I admire those who can openly express and share their thoughts".

"Some of your articles got me into deep thoughts. Profound".

"Nice to know you, your blog is simply hilarious! I have to bookmark it."

"Only a tormented soul can write like that".

"You are a romantic with a mind like Peter Pan. You come from Neverland!"

"I have read your blog. They are very well written. I like the smooth and relax flow of the articles very much! You are surely a gifted writer who can make complex things look so simple."

"Thanks for bringing us back to nature! Just amazing! Didn't know you could write so much. You made it seemed so ink just flow from your fingers transforming it into ideas when it hits the paper or keyboard. How do you do it? Who are you really? It's a straight forward thing call TALENT (yes in caps) and you are full of it!"

"I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Kudos to you and keep it up!!"

"You are the Bruce Lee of the writing world!"

"Your writing thingy is the right direction in life. You should retire, enjoy and get paid for what you love doing. That will be the ultimate. That is your destiny. "
"Man, you can write, that's all I can say!"
Some people blog on a few things and are good in one. You have such a varied and broad range of interests and all good! Kudos!
"The truth is that you have a special gift in writing which sends subliminal messages that can condition readers to execute follow up action under your direction".
"A tear can come to my eyes when I read you. Just as the tear came, I would break out into laughter. If I read you in the office, people may think I am mad".
"Who is this gentleman, he writes very well."

"I really enjoyed your many articles. God has given you a wonderful gift to share with us."

"Thanks for all the very good read!"

"I must say you are a damn good writer with many provocative ideas. Thanks!"

"Your writing is like pro. Time for a second career!"

"I read your blog and am impressed by the amount of research and knowledge in the contents. Your passion for writing can bring blessings to others."

"Impressed is all I can say. Your blog is full of life and very engaging that you bring readers into the details."
"You are better than the Sports Desk of some newspapers. Orgasmic!"

"Solid stuffs! I am deeply impressed!"

"You should seriously write for a living!"

"Solid stuffs! You should achieve instant fame!"

"Thank you Guru, your blog makes very interesting and enjoyable reading. Keep going!"

"Wow! It is very interesting! I will take time to read all your articles. I will also share it with friends."

"Great articles! Keep it up!"

"Nice piece of blog! You're a hole-in one!"

"You write better than the journalists from newspapers and magazines."

"Nobody writes like that. More people must read your blog!"

"Kudos to you! Great articles. Amazed by your information and knowledge always, great stuffs!!"

"Who is this person? He writes very well."

"Read your articles - very good! You must have spent quite some time dong it."

"Wow! You are amazing that you took time to write and share with others. I enjoy reading your articles."

"When I shared your blog articles with my friends, they admired you. You are their hero."

"Congrats and well done! You should be a certified golf guru. Many people will read your blog for good advice and great stories."

That is all for now. You see when we were in Primary School, after every spelling test or whatever, the teachers would use a red inked pen to tick meaning you pass with a huge Nike styled tick. Sometimes they would jot down "Very Good!" and they draw you a star. Better still, they even paste a gold star at the top. How do you feel when you got that? Elated right? Obviously proud of your work. You felt encouraged and would try again. Sadly and soon enough as you get a little older, they don't give you stars any more. They told some of you that your handwriting sucked and you started getting red ink all over, no stars, no Nike ticks just crosses. Your first encounter with the red cross begins. You see I can't see my own faults right?

Keep them coming and flowing! It is like the little stars teachers pasted on my books in primary school. You are my teachers. Go out there and thank people and praise them then and watch them soar.

Then later in life you go to work, you sacrifice your sleep, your social life and everything but nobody thanked you. You could even go the the World Cup still nobody thanked you but you let slip one time and you became dead meat. They not only do not thank you but they will now tank you! Harsh realities of life isn't it so? So why can't people learn to be more appreciative? Why do people take each other for granted. Why can't we praise or thank someone and watch them glow and be even better?
To all friends and readers, thanks for all the positive comments. It keeps me going. It's like going home, a place of comfort, familiarity and warmth. It's like a thousands hugs with open arms! I am loving it!

Kenny G - Going Home

I'm coming home, I'm coming home. Tell the world I'm coming home!

If you need to communicate with me, write to my email which you can find on my profile. I wish you happiness in your journey of life and discovery.


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