BRT - Bio Resonance Therapy Pt 2

In a previous article, I shared about Bio Resonance Therapy. Please see the link to my article where I gave a brief explanation on what it does and now I have added video clips for even clearer explanation and better understanding. This is a must read because if you do not need it now you will need it one day, sooner rather than later. It is better sooner. This therapy detects your problems like degenerating cells and repair them before they turn really nasty and becomes a banana skin that makes us slip in our health ratings.

I'm now also adding the Singapore website which is up and running again and the best advertisement is always word of mouth. So log on to read and find out more and reference the testimonies of patients -

Besides the one at Novena Medical Centre, they have another outlet at 48, Burnfoot Terrace (Tel: 62444806, contact Ms Constance Soh). On top of therapy for people, they are also specialized in helping pets hence the name "Passion4Pets". If you have been following my blog you would have realized that I often mentioned that I love animals because they are delicious. I was just being tongue-in-cheek and I haven't eaten any cats of dogs, so relax. I have been exposed to nature and animals since young and that includes dogs either as others' pets or own. I haven't had any pets now unless I have more time and of equal importance the space for dogs to run and roam. So my current pets are au naturel like the ants and spiders. In this pix, the dog is the model. I borrowed Nikki from a friend.

First of all, people who wish to have pets must be committed as they are not play things which one can dump. If you are not please do not have one. Next, please treat your parents well, definitely better than your pets as I have read about people who treat their pets better. Pets especially dogs are a therapeutic experience and dogs have been man's best friend. It is good that BRT can also help pets like dogs.

Passion For Pets

Passion4Pets was set up for this reason. BRT extension for the animals which is very much a part of us. I shall let you in to some testimonials of pet owners who were grateful for the recovery of their pets.

A miniature Schnauzer had been dragging one of its hind leg when walking and would lose its balance when peeing. The vet said he could be suffering from a brain tumour or other neuro problems which could lead to paralysis. Anti-biotics and vitamins did little. Chinese medicine was tried with little improvement. Eventually he was treated with Bio Resonance Therapy. BRT detected problems with the nervous system and others. He can now walk very well and pee by lifting its leg without problem after completing BRT.

A Mongrel had a stroke that left her paralysed on the left side. She could only crawl on one side. After months of acupuncture, there was slow progress and it became stagnant. After BRT progress was still slow but there were signs of improvements. The skin condition became better and she could stand longer.

Another owner testified about her dog's bout of diarrhoea and vomiting, sometimes up to ten times within an hour. BRT has improved his condition as he hardly experience the same problems.

An Australian Silky Terrier suffered from IRS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and her owner after having exhausted months of trying different vets with usage of steroids and antibiotics to suppress the condition but to no avail. A Doctor recommended BRT and after two sessions the results were impressive and when four sessions were completed the cycle was broken.

A dog Nikki suffered allergies and skin irritations after a week at a pet hotel. After a year of consulting various vets it was not resolved. BRT test showed it is allergic to a host of allergies - virus, bacteria, fungus and even from food like beef, chicken, pork, some fruits and vegetables. After weekly therapy, he has recovered from the itch and is tolerant to more food.

Then there was this doggie that suffered drastic weight loss from a healthy 17kg to 9kg. Through MRI scan the vet detected a small liver. Those of you who has pets like dogs should take note of the availability of such a service.

Guinea Pig

If I happen to be an animal I could have been a guinea pig. Not that I need to be under the microscope but I have a need to constantly explore, experiment and to discover so that I can understand the universe a little better and have a better grasp of everything. I have known people who has low energy level, a knee that gives a crackling sound when bent and in pain and halfway through treatment they have improved, no more pain or trouble bending the knee. I saw old folks and young children and even regular Joes there for treatment.


People would sometimes say I looked tired - hell I was. I thought I used to suffer from power lapses especially evident at golf where I felt power leaks and totally drained such that I could not focus and do the simplest task in the game after playing some really good shots. I could be in energy saving mode on a sofa by 9pm. I never felt I needed lunch and worked through it and by 2pm I ate because I need to not because I felt hungry and it must have been a couple of years. From time to time I would feel bloated and suffer from flatulence. Sometimes I thought I have gastritis. I have allergic rhinitis which can become quite bad. When I did my exercise, I would suffer for 3 or 4 days in aches and pains and the recovery was slow. Though I have no major problems sometimes I do not feel happy and there was no reason. Could it be a physical condition? Highly possible.


On my first measurement of my energy level (I was not feeling great that day) and the result was a score of 60 (you have to be above 72 to be good). You sacrifice some saliva and then they used the BICOM machine to test and find out what is your condition, what are your allergies, if you have degenerating cells, other viruses, bacteria, fungi or any other problems. Then they will start the treatment back up with organic vitamins. You have to drink a lot more water as toxins are being cleared from your body. In subsequent tests, my energy was raised to 75 and it even hit 88! (I was feeling quite good before they tested).

It never occurred to me that I may have indigestion and not eating regular meals well as I didn't feel hungry even by 2pm and now I am going hungry by 12pm or earlier which means the metabolism rate has improved. The feeling of being bloated and flatulence were all gone. I am now better at tying shoe laces when I bend forward. The trousers are a little lose now maybe be by half to an inch. I do not slumber at the sofa anymore. I back this up with one month of more solid exercises regularly and found that even after more strenuous exercises while still feeling that the joints and muscles had a good workout, the recovery rate is amazingly good. I can be up and about without the usual strain by the next day or day after. I felt like I am punching above my weight again like Manny Pacquiao. I am sleeping a lot better too and waking up fresher.

I was thinking may be it was the was the exercise? It is possible but after strenuous exercises in the past, I would suffer slow recovery. You may be feeling good and strong spiritually and your mind is still great but when your body is not in harmony after years of exhaustion, stress, improper diet, irregular meals, lack of regular exercise, aging, infection, allergy and sometimes abuses like too much food, alcohol and others like lack of rest and sleep or insufficient intake of water, our immune system is in regression much like after working so hard and then you find yourself piled up with even more work. When this happens something may have to give. So suffer the body and its physical condition.

Our bodies is a miraculous gift that is self-healing if we know how to care for it. When stressed with extreme and unfavourable conditions it may need some help. We need to repair, to balance its yin and yang, to recharge it, to heal and to push it to an even keel so that it can rebuild itself and bring it back to optimum condition. I need a longer time to share with you if the allergic rhinitis would have gone away forever and be banished permanently or any other new discoveries. When you see me hitting great shots after great shots at the golf course and that would be another sign of improvement. I am already feeling some of that. I am feeling supreme!

I hit a 250m drive on a tight fairway on the Airforce 14th hole Par 5 splitting the fairway (never before as it is a very difficult hole to tee off). When it got too dark due to delay by an earlier lightning threat by the time we got to the Airforce 16th at 355m I teed off but I could only see it going right and later could not find my ball at the usual distance. Later we found it resting further than the 100m marker 85m away from the pin which is a massive 270m drive but of course it could have landed on the buggy track and bounced off. Regardless, it felt sooooo gooood!

I haven't used a fairway woods for more than two years. Then I got a Titleist 909 3 wood which seems intimidating due to its smaller head with a stiff flex shaft at 43 inches. I am happy to declare that I manage to hit several stunning shots each time that went straight and long on a mid trajectory to a massive distance that I surprised myself. Overall score was not as good, may be I was over enthusiastic but I feel alive!

Well not only Guinness Stout or Milo is good for you as they say, I can personally vouch that BRT is good for you. It is an important preventive care for your health before any underlying conditions drag you down. It repairs and strengthen your body and your immune system. I hope that in time to come, our medisave account can be used for our treatment to lessen any burden some people might face to bring forth and level up the health ratings of all Singaporeans who have all been working so hard. This will ensure that we continue to prosper first in health then to wealth. I wish all readers and friends good health and happiness.

How are you feeling?'ve got too much life running through my veins.

Watch this space...


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