I Survived Ubin

I went overseas recently on Vesak day. Yes, over the sea to a place which is a home away from home. Sometimes, I would just try to do something that I have never done before or was last done a long time ago. I have been to Changi many times when young and also camped at Pulau Ubin with friends near the Outward Bound School. This time, young and old, we packed our bags and left for Changi to checked in at the Changi Hotel which is now styled more like M Hotel in town. It is a cosy hotel with a good restaurant where guests enjoy discounts on food and free parking.

The wonderful thing about Changi is its laid back and natural rustic charm. Where the large, open, public car park is surrounded by the hotel, residences, shops, hawker centre and the sea, you will find something special in the air. It is the presence of birds, mostly parakeets not ordinary ones with a few cockatoos too as you can hear their unique calls, flight and see them in the trees in their distinct white feathers.

Basically, it was just free and easy - to do what you wanna do or do nothing at all. Sleep if you wish or just laze around. We went for a swim at the top and here's the view.

We did the coastal boardwalk too and it was lovely.

Bumboats at the terminal and a lagoon.

Seems like an arrow saying this way to heaven.

This looks like a lovely beach.

An anchor of a barge nearby.

The flora and fauna.

Boats departing for Ubin.

A monster burger from Botak Jones.

We left for Pulau Ubin the following day.

Haven't taken a bumboat for such a long time, I actually relived my childhood when following grandma to Tekong.

Professional photographer?

The boat owner stuck a quotable quote "Frustrations" at the back near where I sat. It is one of those I have seen before on emails through the internet in Singlish with something like "say also you don't know, don't know also you don't ask..." If I can find it one day, I'll share with you.

Since it was the day after Vesak, there were some festivities there.

Rocks at the mouth which seemed to be welcoming us.

An old style coffee shop.

Beginning of a 3km trek to Chek Jawa? No problem.

Congestion on a street between bicycle rental shops.

A Wayang stage in what looked like a town centre of the old days.

What do you think we were looking for?

We are on holiday, food and drinks of course!!

Read the sign because the fried rice here is good!

We found a well that is operational with modern pump.

Look how deep it is.

These toilets will be eye-openers but were much better than the ones I used at my uncle's kampung house.

Graffitti by school children at Nature Society's premise.

A good quote hanging at Nature Society's door.

Huh? 3km under the burning sun? No way, let's take a "whatumightcallithere" and the old man confirms it was the best selection among his vans with best air-con and all.

This is Chek Jawa.

Unfortunately, the oil-spilled has spread to Changi and Ubin and we could smell a strong stench. You can see many workers in uniform mostly from Bangladesh working tirelessly to help clean up the beach, the sea and the mangroves. What would we do without them?

See some oil sludge?

A film of oil on the surface and they laid up some absorbent material to prevent it from getting into the soil.

What a lovely walk on the Chek Jawa boardwalk! That's mum. Don't fool around with her as she was the champion who climbed up 999 steps in China's Zhang Jia Jie. Solid!

A huge mud skipper but I noticed there are not so many around these days.

Views from the top of the tower.

Nipah anyone? Atap-chee? You know?

In my many trips, it was rare to get to see a wild boar foraging for food. It makes the trip worthwhile.

I could even get up close and personal but I dare not go any nearer as I fear I might attack it for food.

It's been such a long time since I get to see a rubber tree with latex dripping.

Waiting for our boat home.

Back at Changi there were three stalls of famous Nasi Lemak. Which is the best? On the first day I saw the longest queue at Mizzy's. Later the queue next to it was longer but on this day the opposite one seems more popular. I asked a group of rockers brudders and found Mizzy's got the best chili.

I think everyone enjoyed the trip as it was something different.


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