Food Scare
Melamine tainted milk from China made many Chinese children sick and even those products not made there were not spared since they were supplied from the same source. Some brand names got hurt in the due process. It will surely take sometime for the Chinese to realise short term gains are not to be had over the long run and cover ups can only cause more damage. Of course they are to be blamed but then China is made up of 1.3 billion people. They will always have more problems and more profound ones than others. Other than Indonesia, China is probably the country with the second largest population of Muslims. If one per cent is gay, it is already more than the entire population of Singapore - gays, lesbians, foreigners all included. So their problems are always magnified. Yes, they have major shortcomings and need to change and come on the main stream in world standard. But then it is not just the Chinese that is the problem. There have been food scares everywhere including Japan, one w...