Duck Confit @ Le Steak

It was a special occasion. I know lots of food places but you will never know enough simply because in Singapore food places change like changing underwear. Even the oldest landmark, your favourite evergreen food stalls, traditional restaurants are closing one by one for lack of manpower, the owners are tired just like we workers are tired or rental has gone up so much, they might as well pack up and go.

I knew a place which at one time I frequented called Tao's. A nice place to go to for good fusion East-Meets-West food done creatively since they were at Paradiz and later at Central. I wanted to go to Tao's because I haven't been there awhile but found out they are no longer operating. If you know where they are let me know. So instead we landed at another haven.

I wanted oysters as I haven't had any for a long time but alas they were sold out. I got a cheaper alternative to oyster, I ordered onion rings. These are really good not like some others.

We had the usual mushroom soup since there were no beef goulash this time. We tried pea soup which I have never had before and it was jolly good. 

Then I ordered something else than the usual. Duck Confit. Duck Confit is a French dish using the leg of duck consisting of salt curing and cooked in its own fat. Herbs like thyme may be used then covered up and refrigerated for a few days. The spices are then rinsed prior to cooking. They are usually fry or grill in fat till well-browned and crisp. Sounds deadly? Probably is.    

This is less cruel than foie gras, just a little threat to Daffy Duck and his clan. 

It was a fabulous dish. 

Or just stick to the tried and tested pan-seared Salmon. This time we have a different type of rice.

And for those who loves beef, this is a great place too.

I pinched a bit of everything from everyone and let others try my duck too. 

Without further ado, I polished up the plate. May be I should bring the bone home and discard it somewhere. Years later, an archaeologist may discover it and claim that it is duck-like dinosaur from 300 million years ago. 

Desserts are always lovely. Some folks shun desserts as they do not possess a sweet tooth, others are concerned about its fat enhancing qualities. It is true that too much sugar is not good but heck! This is good. It brings out the little child in a man. I remember in the old days, it was A and W where you can find this.

But it is the Chocolate lava that um...takes the cake. 

Love it!


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