
I wanted to share this but I have been putting it off. Why put off something till tomorrow when you can put if off today? If you didn't catch it, you are slow. The proper saying is why put off something till tomorrow when you can complete it today? Well, it depends on your situation. Some folks are too hung up and they have this feeling that they must finish everything if not as much as possible by today while others keep putting of things till their "to do" list reach 101.

I woke up one day on a weekend before 7am and wanted to "just do it". You are not going to believe this - I went for a run and complete all of 2.4 km. You laugh. I can hear you snickering. Believe you me, it isn't easy as the last time I did this may have been 2.4 years ago. As I ran, a man who looks slightly older than me but with fair skin indicating that he was not much of a sportsman whisked past me. Shortly, a young lady casually ran past. Shame crept in and that inspired me to finish the job despite the heavy legs. As I was doing this, a young man who looks like a navy diver or rugby player type ran two rounds for every round I made. All this happened at the park and it made me feel like taking up taiji instead as I saw the older generation practising.

I didn't know that my home look quite good from far.

and even from a different angle...sell it to make a profit? Yes, good idea. No, come on what's the point? Serenity.

It used to be a fishing pond.

A restaurant called Bliss...

...and the extension towards the water.

I found an old rugged cross. I will cling to it and exchange it someday for a crown.

I saw this man but wondered if he was doing exercise or...

talking to God as he raised his hands to Heaven.

There was a time when I stayed near Bishan Park and I told myself I am going to run at least a couple of times a week. Heck, I even bought myself a bike. Then the better part of life caught up. So near and yet so far. I have procrastinated for far too long.

Chariots Of Fire

I recommend that besides seeing a doctor if necessary to verify your fitness before embarking on any strenuous exercise, do use some common sense. This was why I had given up soccer that I love much. You can tell yourself that you will stay cool and not over exert but if you had been a competitive player in any sports be it soccer, badminton, squash and whatever, you will have instincts to chase a ball or attempt to retrieve a shot. etc. Pure instincts and this can put you in danger.

Well, if you wish to commence training, the following themes, inspirational themes or music can be uplifting. I recommend a few to inspire you.

I give you Vangelis's theme song from Chariots of Fire -

Bruce Lee likes to Train to this: Mission Impossible

Eye of The Tiger (Survivor) -

stomach out and chest in er... i mean stomach in and chest out.

Trying out Bruce Lee's madness at a smaller scale.

Then Rocky.

Got a chin up bar for my young man.

Let him start young and sustain it.

The old man was asked to do it.

Few people know I can do Bruce Lee or better. One arm chin-up while digging nostril. Knowing is not enough, you must do.

What Is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of putting off doing something out of habitual carelessness or laziness, to delay or postpone needlessly. Psychologists believe this to be a mechanism for coping with anxiety and stress. Procrastination may lead to loss of productivity. It is generally normal for people to procrastinate to a certain degree but when it impedes normal function it becomes a problem.

It could be for want of a perfect situation, timing in short all kinds of perfection like waiting for that perfect moment so you procrastinate as a result. Some folks may have a negative view of responsibilities so they avoid doing anything and turn their attention to other tasks. This leads to students or adults abandoning work but not their play and social lives.

Other procrastinators are afraid and tense as they may be overwhelmed by pressure and worries that they are unrealistic about time. This may lead to them feeling uncomfortable when among people who are confident and could lead to negative thinking. Some procrastinators can't make a distinction between priority and urgency and they can get easily distracted.

Some folks are really just forgetful. Yet others have fears on certain things like failure or dong difficult stuffs. There are also those who look at doing things as if looking at removing a mountain. They can't break them into smaller parts.

Are you a procrastinator? Break free my friend.

Do not think that things can be put off till tomorrow. It can be put off forever. After all, only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday.


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