Merry Christmas!
Do They Know It's Christmas? -
Christmas is so commercialised these days that they Deck The Halls way too early. This shot was taken in early November.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... Cut!! Our cold and wet season came early as the floods occurred in October. In contrast, this has been a relatively warmer December. White Christmas? Keep dreaming. It could happen. You see Europe in turmoil due to the snow havoc. EPL soccer matches were badly affected. Give us cool mornings and nights anytime in our oven climate.
Christmas is celebrated all over the world on 25 December to commemorate the birth of Jesus who is central to Christianity. It is probably not the actual day of the birth of Jesus but rather chosen to sort of correspond with some ancient festivals or the Roman calendar and some believed was nine months after Jesus was conceived.
What Is Christmas?
Christmas is commonly celebrated by non-Christians too. The fact that it is held towards the year's end gives it a significant and special feel especially with the impending New Year to boot. To add to these, given a good year, most people will have more money to spend especially with bonuses to splurge. The festive light up with shopping centres competing for attention, more people hanging loose after a year's hard work, the practice of gift-giving, music, carols, Christmas trees, greeting cards, mistletoe, Nativity Scenes and Santa Claus provides an added dimension to the happiness index especially with turkeys and spirits thrown in. Companies will hold their annual Dinner & Dance around this time and those that did so earlier would have completely miss the festive spirit.

The economic impact of Christmas cannot be denied as they naturally coincide with the year end retail sales. This is not just a religious date but increasingly it has become celebrated as a commercial event. I went back a long way with my memory writing this article as it brought back fond memories of our days of innocence where as a child I would make my own Christmas cards. Simply by folding drawing papers, conjuring a simple Christmas tree with a Snowman beside it, colouring them and adding sparkle by sprinkling some confetti or glitter strewn over light glue and bingo! It is personal. Sending Christmas cards and writing letters always beat those electronic ones. It's the personal touch. We can express our moods and emotions better with our personal handwriting. There won't be any wiki leaks too.
Talking about wiki leaks, being smacked right into the festive period where the happiness index will be inevitably raised, do watch out on your binge drinking and about driving. I know friends especially beer drinkers who could drink so quickly and drink so much that they are constantly peeing. It may not be a bad idea for them to sit near the loo or for pubs to have a loo concept where you don't need to take more than three steps to let your wiki leak.
I did enjoy those trips we took to the shopping malls at Metro and Robinsons in town as a child during this period in the old era where they are only located in town. You just don't go to shopping centres all the time in those days, only during festive periods unlike today where everyday you are at a shopping mall. Metro and Robinsons always have their own Santa Claus then and they would normally carry a bag slugged around them. They offered lucky dips for a dollar which made the children kind of excited and when you can buy your clothes or get tailored at Lifting or CYC at Bras Basah / North Bridge Road you were doing well. What we have today is big time commercialism.
While many countries have Christmas as a national holiday in their calendar, some do not, like China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Japan, Thailand, Iran, Nepal and Turkey. Maybe in Israel too. In some traditions, they believed that creation as described in Genesis occurred during spring equinox which falls on March 25 on the Roman calendar and Christmas was calculated as nine months later which was called Annunciation which was the date of the conception of Jesus but to Christians, the date is not really important but rather the belief that God came into the world as a man to atone for the sins of humanity which is the real reason for such a celebration. Listen to Martina McBride deliver "O Holy Night":
The birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary was a Biblical fulfilment and a messianic prophecy of the Old Testament. Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph even though she was a virgin in the city of Bethlehem. It was specifically mentioned that he was out in a manger (manger can only be found in a stable) . An angel announced the birth to shepherds in the fields and where three wise men who brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant all this time led by a mysterious star now known as the Star of Bethlehem. This was the Messiah, the Saviour the world was waiting for. God becoming man is humility and so humans can witness it and eventually have a relationship. His blood has to be shed so that forgiveness is a given as a gift of salvation. This to me is the greatest leadership - leadership by example and sacrifice. Adrienne Liesching & Geoff Moore did this lovely song:
"In Christ Alone":
The Beginning Till Now...
Christians believe that in the very beginning God created the earth and all things, the trees, creatures of the land, the sea and the air way before we could fathom the army, navy and air force. That includes human beings. Adam and Eve disobeyed, so sin and diseases came into the world as a result and the earth and everything was cursed. Man was not supposed to die and we could be playing golf all day so when you go to heaven and meet Adam, he could get a blanket party for the troubles.
Lucifer, an angel rebelled against God thinking he could be God. Sometimes, Man thinks he could be God too. So he was thrown down and he became the devil, the accuser also known as Mr. S.A. Tan aka Satan. A third of the angels who joined in the rebellion became his demons. His job is to bring us down with him to Hell. In the old days, to ask God for forgiveness, the innocent blood of lamb must be shed for atonement of sin. So God sent His Son to become a man to be with us for the specific purpose of dying so that His blood was shed so that we could be forgiven and Jesus Christ was also referred to as the Lamb of God.
At any time, for the pain and suffering he has gone through, he could have summoned His angels by snapping his fingers but he knew the mission was to die. During His ministry on earth, He healed the sick, raised the dead and performed miracles. His last words on the cross was: "God forgive them for they know not what they do." Later, Jesus's body disappeared from his guarded tomb and he appeared before His disciples in person and told them to spread the gospel before ascending to Heaven to show that he has overcome death. The gospel is God's story also known as the Good News.
It's like the world has aids and cancer and He provides a cure. His salvation is like offering us a syringe for vaccination to remove these infections for free. God has already paid the price for us. Meantime, Mr. S.A. Tan wants us to be with him. We kind of owe him lots of debts but Jesus has paid up everything for us - more than is owed. S.A. Tan is like a loan shark tempting you all the while and send his demons to splash paint in your life or force you into a terrible end and blinding you and leading you away from the knowledge that your debt has already been paid for and all you have to do is to claim it. Meanwhile, the devil constantly makes us do things knowingly or unknowingly through our selfish attitude including hurting the people we love or tempting us into self delusion and we unwittingly allow darkness to slowly creep in. That is the spiritual realm of good and bad, light and darkness. Every time you do something which you know is not good you know it but still do it anyway - that is the devil working his way to success.
What Is The Meaning Of Christmas?
So what is the meaning of Christmas to you my friends? Christmas must therefore be about spending time with loved ones, being around friends and enjoying each other's company. Sharing great meals with warm exchanges and simply enjoying the simple things in life and at the same time by being thankful and grateful. Yes and remember the less fortunate. There are lots of people out there who do not have food or homes, suffering from oppression or violence, orphans who are young and defenseless. As parents all you have to think about is how your children will be without you. So let us extend a prayer, a helping hand in anyway you could no matter how small. Forget about what you want and remember those who are in need. Give to the Salvation Army for their food distribution, give to the School Pocket Fund, etc. regardless of whether some people cheated some charitable organisations.
Santa Claus
Santa Claus was actually St. Nicolas, a Christian leader in Myr (now Turkey). Santa Claus comes from the Dutch SinterKlaas. He was a shy person who wanted to help the poor without anyone knowing. It was said that one day he climbed onto the roof of a house and dropped money into a chimney which landed in the stocking which was put out to dry by the fire. This fat old bearded man are believed by some to have existed and to be real but he has never given me anything. Nice if he could throw in some latest golf clubs.
I have prepared a song list for you to enjoy by listening, to sing or hum along and make you feel the love of Christmas.
When A Child Is Born (Johnny Mathis) -
Child In A Manger (Michael W. Smith) -
Mary's Boy Child (Boney M) -
Child In A Manger (Michael W. Smith) -
Mary's Boy Child (Boney M) -
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing -
The First Noel -
Joy To The World -
All The Earth (Parachute Band) -
Silent Night (Sinead O'Connor) -
If you saw the picture in the local papers featuring religious harmony recently, you would have noticed a Jewish Rabbi, a Buddhist Monk and the Islamic Mufti chatting together like good old friends in harmony, with smiles, tolerance and respect. This prompted an American visitor who has visited Singapore more than dozens of times to write in to the forum citing that he wished his country could demonstrate religious tolerance like here. He was impressed that it is normal and clearly visible that Christians, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist workers sharing a meal together or exchanging pleasantries on the street. He has travelled all over the world but have never found a country that comes close to our religious and spiritual maturity that Singaporeans demonstrated to each other. We complain about life here but from an outsider's perspective we are a most beautiful and enviable society. Singapore is a beacon to the world. Keep it up! This is freedom my friend. Freedom to choose, Freedom to worship.
If you saw the picture in the local papers featuring religious harmony recently, you would have noticed a Jewish Rabbi, a Buddhist Monk and the Islamic Mufti chatting together like good old friends in harmony, with smiles, tolerance and respect. This prompted an American visitor who has visited Singapore more than dozens of times to write in to the forum citing that he wished his country could demonstrate religious tolerance like here. He was impressed that it is normal and clearly visible that Christians, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist workers sharing a meal together or exchanging pleasantries on the street. He has travelled all over the world but have never found a country that comes close to our religious and spiritual maturity that Singaporeans demonstrated to each other. We complain about life here but from an outsider's perspective we are a most beautiful and enviable society. Singapore is a beacon to the world. Keep it up! This is freedom my friend. Freedom to choose, Freedom to worship.
Jingle Bell Rock (Bobby Helms) -
Here's Jose Feliciano with Feliz Navidad -
Boxing Day
What is Boxing Day? When I was young I thought that they could have organised boxing matches because at the time the only boxing I knew was popularised by Muhammed Ali. Boxing Day falls on the day after Christmas that is 26 December. In some countries it is a public holiday. There were conflicting accounts on how it originated but the tradition definitely involved giving gifts and money to the poor. In the 1800s, churches placed alms boxes for money donations to be distributed to the poor and needy. Bosses would place boxes of gift and money to servants and workers to bring home for the holiday season. So, bosses did you hear what I just said?
Come All Ye Faithful -
Faith, Hope, Love but the greatest is Love. Christmas is simply about God's forgiveness and mercy for mankind, His restoration of a relationship. His sacrifice therefore His Love. So for all of mankind, what we can learn here is about forgiveness, mercy, relationship and most of all love. I leave you this song and video depicting the torture that Jesus Christ went through such as wearing a crown of very sharp thorns that pierced his head, being whipped by cat-o-nine-tails till his skins were torn to shreds, having his body speared and finally being nailed to the cross at the wrists. He said that "by my stripes you are healed" and he uttered "God forgive them for they know not what they do". I supposed that Jesus Christ is really who he said he is or is the world's greatest liar.
Above All -
Christmas Tree
What about the Christmas tree? The tradition of decorating an evergreen Christmas tree originated in the 16th century in Livonia and Germany. Usually it is brought into homes or placed outside homes or in malls and squares and decorated with lights, tinsel, ornaments, garlands, candy canes and top with an angel or a star depicting the host of angels or the Star of Bethlehem from Nativity. A brotherhood use one to celebrate and on the last night brought it to the town square. It was not until the 19th century that the use of Christmas trees grew from Germany and into Eastern Europe's Slavic people.
Evergreens is merely a symbol of rebirth in ancient times. Bringing it into homes symbolised life. In ancient times, they used to have a play depicting the creation of Adam and Eve called Paradise Play where a Paradise tree was used to depict sin and the tree of life and they used apples to hang on it. For some Christians, it is the symbol of the Paradise tree to remind us of Eden where Adam and Eve were tempted into sin and disobedience. It is also interpreted that the Christmas tree symbolized the Cross "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us" (Galatians 3:13), "Curse is everyone who is hung on a tree" (Deuteronomy 21:23), He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. The Christmas tree is a reminder of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Evergreens is merely a symbol of rebirth in ancient times. Bringing it into homes symbolised life. In ancient times, they used to have a play depicting the creation of Adam and Eve called Paradise Play where a Paradise tree was used to depict sin and the tree of life and they used apples to hang on it. For some Christians, it is the symbol of the Paradise tree to remind us of Eden where Adam and Eve were tempted into sin and disobedience. It is also interpreted that the Christmas tree symbolized the Cross "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us" (Galatians 3:13), "Curse is everyone who is hung on a tree" (Deuteronomy 21:23), He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. The Christmas tree is a reminder of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace and goodwill towards Man - Luke 2: 14
I leave you with "The Prayer" from Celine Dion & Josh Groban -
and the always great - Amazing Grace -
Grace is a person. His name is Jesus.
Deck The Halls, Tis the season to be jolly!
The Gift (Jim Brickman) -
I pray that all your family members, loved ones, relatives, friends and all readers will experience great peace, joy, mercy and love this Christmas and more. Merry Christmas!
Deck The Halls, Tis the season to be jolly!