Buying Clubs - Choosing The Right Ones
We are basically fumblers. We fumble our way into the world, fumble through school, through work, through friends, through marriage and then in between all these as if the tortures were not enough, we suddenly think that we could also fumble through golf. When we could not even throw or kick a ball decently and I am talking about a fairly huge ball here, we thought we could manage one that is unnecessarily small, could easily get lost in the woods or waters and have to move so many body parts and yet can't move so many body parts hitting them with up to 14 clubs of different shapes, lengths and sizes? So instead of the "Fearsome Foursome" we were suitably reduced to the "Fumbling Foursome" At least we'll have more in numbers than the "Three Stooges". See Moe, Curly and Larry (posted by gonzolane) to reminisce. Some of you may be thinking of picking up go...