Kampung Chicken

There was a time...no, this is not a National Day song. There was a time where chickens are chickens. I used to go to a kampung at the old Bishan which was called "Pek San Theng" where a relative lived and collect freshly laid chicken eggs from a shed. They lived in an attap house, have fresh water from a well to draw water from a bucket using a pulley system and a central kitchen as if it was built for the community. There was no mobile data but only chickens that roam freely. Today, there is roaming data but chickens are all caged. They were proper roads to get in to the village and there were no street lamps for lights at night. It was certainly a great experience for me as a child but sadly we could never go back there again.

These days people do not even go out, to run or to walk then along came Pokemon Go and everyone got crazy. Before this, people were already walking around like zombies. Enjoy your game but beware that in every game, safety is paramount. Despite all warnings, a few people will still get into trouble playing it sooner or later so please do not be one of them.

Meantime back to roaming chickens. I have always wanted to come to this place but somehow never did but finally managed to do it. They call it ''Kampong Chicken''. Even my mum swear by it - the kampong chickens. She said they always taste better. 

The rice is fragrant enough and not too oily. Since young I could just eat chicken rice plain just for the glorious taste of it.

I ordered some towgay to go along. Wonder if they are kampong type too?

All the chickens I saw in Hong Kong has yellow skin. Not because they are Chinese but I think all free roaming kampong chickens have yellow skins. Due to the lighting and camera, the chicken shown here may not appear as yellow but what I saw was completely the most Chinese, er no, I mean yellow chicken.

The chilli for chicken rice is very important as it enhances the already very good taste. This one has the right proportion.

Amazingly, the one thing that impressed me the most is that the chicken here has very little fat. The meat if firm but tender. So the running around of free-roaming kampong chickens means that with exercise you have less fat. Reflecting, I thought modern  humans are more like caged chickens, trapped in a vicious cycle of performance/achievement cage - because you have to lay those eggs! Modern chickens like humans are also stressed. They are tricked by lights that made them feel like night and then they have to be made to lay more eggs.

I did not order the cold crab as there were already too much food. What a pity!

This is an excellent chicken rice! It is different. The Michelin guys should come here too. 

Next time you want to have a good meal or looking for a good chicken rice. This is a good place! 

I award ''one chicken'' for the Guru Chicken Award.

Eat, drink and be merry!


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