HK 2015 - Part Two

Le, le, le, le, le, le, le, Love...L is for Life and Living, O is the oath of giving, V and E - Vow of Eternity, L-O-V-E love. Haha, the Wynners. As much as I may have liked the Wynners, my all time favourite is of course Ah Sam or Samuel Hui who is the Father of Canto pop. No one comes close. He is also the younger brother of one of my favourite comedian Michael Hui who is a genius that made people laugh.

Here was Sam with his timeless classic and my fave - 浪 子 心 声 listen and read the lyrics, every word of which is so meaningful that I believe in every word here. They just don't write songs like this any more:

(Theme from Private Eyes):

(Trailer from the movie Private Eyes in 1976):

Do you notice that in countries with little or no natural resources, the people tend to have to work smarter, faster and harder? Look at Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. They do not have a lot but although Japan has rice and fish, etc. Taiwan has agriculture too and Hong Hong has papaya. How do I know? At the supermarket, if you look for papaya, you will encounter the Hong Kong papaya. At one time, Singapore do not even have our own water.

Now in SG just as in HK, cars matter a lot to people. It is a status symbol. There will be some people who buys things they do not need, spend money they do not have to impress people they do not like. In HK, you could even buy a personal car plate like the one here.

One of the highlights of this trip was a visit to Yuen Long, in the North-West of the New Territories in Hong Kong. It was developed from the traditional market town in the 70s. If all you know or have been to or even lived in in HK is either Hong Kong Island or Kowloon then Yuen Long is rather remote as it is very near to Southern China. How I would describe Yuen Long would be to liken it Woodlands in Singapore. I must thank my friend for it as he arranged an old friend to bring us over. 

This place was a really good experience. For starters, it was much colder than other parts of Hong Kong. The wind here is strong. Brrrr.

As much as I love the cold more than the heat, clad in only a normal T-shirt I could feel the chill. When inside the glass doors, I could hear a very loud noise. I thought that there was motor cycle racing outside but it was only the wind going through the small gap at the doors.

The restaurant was almost packed to the brim.

I only realise during this trip that Hong Kongers love mutton during winter. It probably keeps them warm. 

It was truly delicious. Unlike any I have tried back home or anywhere. Awesome!

Though it seems cruel, pigeons are a delicacy here. I mean after looking and reading about Bambi, do you then go and eat deer meat?

Pretty decent with the veg and all that. No beer because the journey back is quite a long way.

Prawns and...

Suckling pig later...we were back to the hotel at Mongkok.

The next day, I saw a building that resembles my office building. Horrors, I thought I was just dreaming and now going to work. 

Aha, I found a nearby restaurant that serves a wide variety of food that was quite good and inexpensive.

And they have goose meat. Goose has lots of fat actually. 

Back to local life. 

We did the polo buns and ...

French Toast.

But I love milk tea in HK. SG can learn as I have said for the umpteen time. I do not need a lot of food or drinks but please give me quality. You just look at the colour of the strong tea.

I told my friend that when you travel to HK, you can go to places of worship but I need to go to this place for another kind of worship.

The Hong Kong Museum. When I saw the waterway. I began to feel the vibes in me. The word flowed... "It is like a finger pointing the way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory". "Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless like water.....Be like water, my friend".

"Water can flow or it can crash. Be like water my friend". This has been my mantra my friend. "Running water doesn't go stale. It keeps on flowing...". "You have to keep your reflexes so that when you want it, its there". "You have to train every part...". "Under the heaven there is but one family''.

Watch this my friend:

The indomitable spirit of the dragon. That is the word - indomitable! Indomitable means impossible to subdue or defeat. This was his greatest influence on me. I practise it everyday. Join me. I wish that Singaporeans could learn from Bruce that indomitable spirit. Not just Singaporeans but all people in the world could learn. In this exhibit, you could see everything about Bruce including his clothes, training equipment and his writings in original form. 

I actually admired two Lees. They are not God so they are not perfect. One is Lee Kuan Yew. The other is Bruce Lee.

Of course I learn from many Masters but just from these two and I can rub my nose in glee!

I was here in Hong Kong to pay my respects and worship my hero Bruce Lee. Like him, I was too fast for the camera.

I was quite pleased with myself for finding the path...the path, path, path (echo) and then back. Then I was further enlightened when I saw this sign. It said: "When you hear Do Do Do, please stop". In other words when you hear Do, Don't do! I may be wrong but I did not see any ''reserved seats'' in their MTR. Perhaps it was crowded and my views were blocked. In SG, we should do away with such signs. It creates all kinds of unwanted problems. Why can't people use common sense and the code of honour? You can use all seats but when you see someone who needs it more than you, give it  up. You mean to say we can't live without such instructions? C'mon!

Suddenly, I realize I am just a mere mortal. Something else beckoned.

Idomitable as I am, I succumbed.

And succumbed.

And I tried to act like Hoi Mun Keong and drifted into that world. Do it right and you are Chow Yuen Fatt. Do it wrong and you are Chow Yuen's Fart. That is life.

(Chow Yuen Fatt in The Bund, here is Francis Yip):

Luckily no one asked if I am ''tai kor''. 

Look at Bruce Lee. He never knew he could scale such heights but he has a belief and great belief in himself. Not a false belief but a burning passion that burns deep down inside and from the inside he transformed himself. He kept on at it. Never ceasing in application and practice. The word is 'application' for knowledge is not enough. There are many people in the world with knowledge but very few apply. He never had a black belt in martial arts. So, be water, my friends. Thank you HK. Till we meet again!


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