HK 2015 - Part One

Is Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient losing its shine? Has the Fragrant Harbour lost its fragrance? Westerners love the place, so too many Asians. The Hong Kongers are not mere survivors, they are an enterprising people. During a round of golf, if a flight mate has his ball landed onto the top of a hilly area, I would call him Li Ka Shing or call him a wealthy man as only the wealthiest live at the top of a hill.

I like Hong Kong because it is quite similar to Singapore and do not like HK for the same reason. I like the food but not the tight, smallish and being crowded in built up areas. But at the right time, she offers relief from the sweltering heat around winter and spring. Besides, all the childhood memories were from TV programmes and movies from HK.

Star Wars Or Is Your Own Star At War?

Taking an early morning flight out is always boon and bane. Star Wars exhibit greeted us this time. One of the key things I learned from Star Wars is about how Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side. You are young or very young, you can do anything and succeed in anything you try and everyone applauds you. You are of the elite class and few other humans have your potential. Some freaking Jedi came and took you away on a starship.

Well, he felt like he was about to fulfil his power but was being held back because of others own fears. Along came a devious Serpent n the Garden who became his mentor. I mean since he has been hanging out with the powerful and awesome 'Supreme Chancellor' who treated him special, charmed him with seductive leads about power and following his guts, stokes his ego and there you have it. Of course the Supreme Chancellor 'was just using him to hurt others. Like another adult giving a child free rein to stay up all night playing computer games, drinking fizzy drinks, etc. but is not the father who cares. You and I could have taken that route in life don't you think? Doing the right thing is always a lot more tougher. Do not hope for quick and fast things. So why is it and how is it that people could watch a movie, understood the story line, criticise the characters but fall into the same traps in real life? 

Hong Kong is an enigma. They have very tall but skinny buildings squeezed together at every non-mountainous areas. Some swanky new.

Other public housing old and derelict.

Amazing they kept certain things traditional - just like you could see scaffoldings in many places.

The trains are crowded. Years back I took every transport mode while here and felt they were better than ours. Their public transport opens till late so more people are out there till late. Maybe that is because their houses are small so they go home just to shower and sleep. MTR and buses are better so are their taxis. Once public transport must make money, the consumers lose. I have said SG should take a look at their model. Recently, I read we are doing that.

I told you about childhood times and later days of my youth. In HK, there was once a band called the Wynners led by Kenny Bee and Alan Tham. I like some of their songs which I shall share with you here. They were very good songs of the time. I think the band disbanded in 1978. Though the songs still ring sweetly into my ears it is now hard to look at it. Haha. Enjoy!

(Wynners - Sha La La La La)

(Wynners - LOVE):

(Wynners - 4:55 (Part Of The Game)):

(Wynners - 只 有 知 心 一 个)

I saw a poster of them now promoting prostate cancer. They have come of age, thus promoting something that is relevant to theirs and our age. 

We went to Langham Place. It is not to be mistaken as Lingham.

It was beautifully decorated in prep for Christmas.

The occasion and weather was right. Despite their political troubles recently, HK can be a beautiful place.

I bought these pastille sweets with lychee flavour. They are fabulous but can't be found here. You should try it.

You will never find this here in SG. We tend to be to uniformed. Even our grass are not allowed to grow wildly. Only gazetted places with historical value are allowed to stand side by side with the new. 

After a tiring day out in the cold, finding a nearby shop that sells Wanton Noodle is priceless. 

Food quality in HK is always good but this time I have also found that they are getting into the same predicament as SG. When the older folks retired or give up the business, that could be the end. New cafeteria are springing up.

This wanton noodle was really good. Nice soup base, quality noodle with crunchy prawn wanton.

We did too little tim sum. There must be another time to search for special ones before they are all gone.

Victoria Peak is a special place here. It seems tourism here has slowed down too when I spoke to some tour guides here.

Even the advert at the top of that faraway building was screaming the name of a Chinese company. The people in HK are now speaking so much better in Mandarin.

When golfing, when a mate's ball landed on a hilly patch, I always call him a rich man. Because only the wealthiest gets to live on the hill top. 

HK people are the same as people everywhere. The look for prosperity, wealth and success. Was told they like to come to pray here as the God can bless people with all these even with babies. All one has to do is to touch it.

But there is nothing like peace and calm. Why don't people wish for more of these? It is not for me to comment about HK politics but politics are such that usually the people causing troubles are not there to be seen while others are incited to be their pawn. Students should be in schools and the university not fighting in the streets. The policeman could be your uncle or your friend's father. The flower shop could owned by your aunt, ditto the taxi drivers. We will on end up hurting ourselves. I spoke to friends there and almost all do not agree with such ideals.Young people are idealistic just as I once was and now still is but tempered with mellowness and realism. 

I wish HK all the best and I saw that they are still well. There are so many of my favourite car out there - the Tesla! I walked past this car grooming shop and could not resist a shot. The lady staff there looked up and said cannot, cannot!

Later I saw a poster which I want to share with you. Please do not let your inner child and imagination die. Worse, some men just remain a child for the rest of their life let alone being an artist, refusing to grow up. 

And I hope you believe in words on this badge.

I knew it would be colder this time in HK but yet carelessly I had forgotten to bring along my jacket.

It was good to be in Mongkok. It is right at the heart of Hong Kong life. So these foods are perfect on a cold morning. 

We went across to Central. Still quite happening. Some shops are friendly, others not so. 

A land of Cantonese desserts. It is a must do some.

As for me, their flaky, melt-in-the-mouth egg tarts are the most fabulous. A  trip here can't be complete without it.

To Be Continued...


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