Animal Resort

Animal Farm comes in different forms. One famous one was from George Orwell. The other one was about Old Macdonald who had a farm. Let's explore. 

Explore. Let's find some beautiful places to get lost sometimes. It's a big world out there. Even in tiny Singapore. Courage is found in all the unlikely places. You need not be Indiana Jones but anyone is an explorer who observes the world around you, people, places, events and take note. You may even collect things or document your findings. You can trace trails or follow patterns, examine and record. The world out there is a book to be unravelled. Henry Miller wrote that a destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things. We always need a new way to see things not necessarily abandoning the old but to be updated. 

Just like a river, the same water does not flow twice through it, therefore, you do not experience a moment twice in your life. You missed it and it is gone. It is that very moment you capture and it is with you all your life. Go out there and as Charles M. Schulz said, do not worry about the world coming to an end, it is already tomorrow in Australia so stop counting your days but make your days count. We are better than trees so if you don't like where you are, move on. The best thing in life is to be truly lost in the right direction and places. Henry Thoreau wrote that not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. 

I say, we have to be lost before we could be found! To wander is a natural activity of a child, be it the mind or physical self. Wandering stirs curiosity and through it findings of the outside world. It is a self discovery and a basic connection to your soul. To wander is to feel alive and to make you feel less important as a person or an individual because no matter who you are, you are really just so small and insignificant. 

The last time out that I wandered it was to find the original first zoo of Singapore in Punggol (please see link below):

This time in the afternoon heat, we went where man meets wild. It is hard to imagine there is such a place in this little red dot. A place where time has forgotten until the authorities decided to take it away and modernise it again. As it has become increasingly rare to find such an open space like a grassland that resembles a plain, I had to stop to soak in its view as if it were a spectacle. Some of you may think of nothing to it - what is there to see? I gave it my respect for a minute before moving on. There isn't a place like that any more. I could not get in as it was fenced.

The Animal Resort.

The first animal I saw was a horse. I used to see them as a boy when the circus came to town.

It is such a majestic animal.

Handsome even.

Sometimes you get tired of talking to people, you talk to animals. 

You will find that you are like Dr. Dolittle. He was a naturalist who has the ability to talk to animals. I thought he was a doctor who did little and we have so much to do. 

When people describe you as having a horse's face, this is how you look to them but the horse is a majestic beast! Are you? It's good to be majestic but do not be a beast.

Your tiny tots will find this place like Wonderland.

With hamsters and rabbits...

...and quails.

You have plenty of space to roam and it is not crowded and if you go there on your own, there is no ticket price. It is free!

Like your mobile phones, the roosters and chickens here are free-roaming. 

Shelters here are zinc-roofed and wooden huts.

Soak in the atmosphere for it is good even on a hot day because there is dense foliage.

Wander and let your young children roam free.

But you would need to drive there.

We waited for the peacocks to show their pride but alas they were not so proud and boastful that day. Only peahens lazing around.

Now this is an interesting place but closed to the public. I think it is owned by some fishing shop where they use to practise luring. In my younger days, the fishing pond is one of the most exciting places I would always like to be. Adrenalin flows when I see such places back then.

There are interesting huge birds too like the Marabout Stork.

Throw in some wild pigeons. Don't laugh at them. At least they are free.

Geese wandered about in a large compound. They can make good guards.

I like this - the Cassowary.

It is a huge bird and it looks like a dinosaur. Its face and feet resembles dinosaurs. 

Their feet are the most ferocious with claws that are 5 inches long. They can run up to 31 mph and jump 5 feet and mine you they could swim too. You do not want to be chased by this thing. I think they were once velociraptors of the Jurassic world.

From big birds to the little ones.

It is a lovely world out there.

I hope that humans do not endeavour to be too clever and alter the entire planet and its original creation.

For there may come a day where all the King's horses and all the King's men could not put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Give me a rooster's crow any time rather than an alarm clock. For those of you who needed to spend time with your children, not just for the young ones but the older ones as well,  a trip here is a pretty good idea. 


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