Coney Island - Part One

I would run along the coast here once e very 2-3 weeks. I read that a new park would open soon with mixed feelings. Singapore has a tendenc y to make everywhere and everything looked the same with ruthless efficiency. We are in dire need of different thinking I feared. The clear blue sky of the last few days makes many people chirpy again. We should remember and not complain when it is too hot and humid or when it is raining. All we need are clear blue skies! So I decided to run again and to do it right up to Coney Island and most people will be surprised if I told you that I first visited Coney Island when I was a child in primary school. My elder sister was on a school ex cursion and I tagged along. This I remembered but thinking back I wondered how I could so so? It was quite crowded. Young and old were here. Now it is connected by a little bridge walkway. Those days, you can actually walk across to the island during low tide but y...