The Zodiac - Year Of The Goat

Before we go further, let  us get one thing straight. Is this the year of the "Sheep'', ''Ram'' or ''Goat''? 

What is a Sheep? A sheep is a domesticated ruminant mammal with a thick woolly coat with typically curving horns found only in the male and kept in flocks for its wool and meat.  It is proverbial for its tendency to follow others in the flock and also used in reference to people who are too easily influenced or led.

What is a Ram? It is an uncastrated male sheep. It is also meant as to roughly force something into place.

What is a Goat? It is a hardy domesticated ruminant mammal that has backward-curving horns and the male has a beard and are called Billy goat and the female Nanny goat. Their young are called kids. So please call your young - children not kids or people may think your are a goat. It is kept for milk and meat and noted for their lively behaviour. They became livelier when they munched on and discovered coffee beans hence gave us coffee. Thank goat for that! 

Goats and Sheep

Goats and sheep are quite the same only on the inside but goats are leaner. Goat meat is also called mutton but they have less fats. Goats actually stink. When you eat a lamb chop, you are eating a lamb which is a young sheep of less than 12 months old. Cruel isn't it? Meantime, sheep and goat meat are called mutton. In some European countries like France and Belgium, goat meat are called "Chevon''. 

Both have different number of chromosomes biologically. Goats are hard working and agile animals and they eat leaves from the top of plants or twigs while sheep are grazers and are generally lazy. You can see them climbing mountains that are steep and with narrow paths. That is why they say ''as sure-footed as the goat''. Goats' milk are also the best milk in case you are unaware. If you are in China, there are probably more goats both in the North and the South. A goat's tail is always up while the sheep's is down. Listen carefully to them and you will notice they actually make a different sound. Many sending well wishes using ''meh'' and the one who says ''baa baa black sheep'' are wrong. The sheep actually goes ''meh'' and the goat goes ''baa".

So is this the Year of the Sheep, Ram or Goat? The Chinese word - or ''yang'' can be used for all three but in ancient times, the character for yang meant goat. So, for me, Goat is the most apt. So do not spend the rest of your life sheepishly goating around and at times behaving like a ram. You got to do whatever floats your goat, er I mean boat.

First of all do you subscribe to the Zodiac or the Horoscope? Do you live your life dependent on it? Do you fear the consequences of not adhering to it? Most people will tell you that you have nothing to lose because if nothing good happens you are safe but at least nothing bad happened? Right but this is exactly what is taking a toll on many. Like those chain letters remember? 

No matter how stupid those chain letters are many people still send them to the next ten persons probably so that some misfortune shall not befall them. Worse, they'll tell you the guy who had forgotten to forward it died a tragic death. See, it is so easy to create fear in people. In 2011, I wrote about the "Horror Scope". You can read it here for your pleasure:

How will you know if things that happened are good or bad if you are not following it? If you follow it then every good thing can become bad and every bad thing can become good, don't you think. It's in the interpretation, all in the state of mind. Are you a positive or negative person? You see, astrologers are basically people who "see stars". Whether you follow the Horoscope or the Chinese Zodiac, you will suffer, living your life completely dependent on it. Worse if you follow both. Then you will become fearful, lack confidence and unable to take charge of your life. For a few who can't take responsibility it may even be good so they just blame their life on the zodiac or horoscope. When you subscribe to something especially in fear and it gets indoctrinated, you will base everything you decide on it. It is no longer your decision based on logic, smartness, experience or simply common sense.

I lived my entire life challenging all the common fears that I could not understand and all people subscribed to. Darkness, ghosts, lack of money, superstition, chain letters/emails, their future, etc. Whatever you do not understand or control you fear. Like ghosts and the future. Some people actually lived in perpetual fear due to insecurities - at work or in a relationship.

For a start, I have broken up many chain letters and now they are better known as chain emails I am still around breaking them  up and will continue to do so that is why you will never receive a chain email from me. If you send me one, I will hunt you down and kxxx you for clogging my email! Those who sent never got their windfall as promised and still reasoned with themselves - ''well, at least I did not get the bad stuffs''. I will hunt you down if you send me one. Nothing, absolutely nothing has happened to me. 

In this world especially in Singapore, people fear the lack of money. It is therefore strange that people do not pursue their fears but readily pursue the money. It would be better to pursue your passion. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates never set out to become the richest or most successful persons. Work hard, work smart and do your best so that when you succeed the money finds you if not you can still be a happy person. When you chase money, you have already started on the wrong path and may likely end up taking things that are not even yours in the first place. If you do not have a religion or believe in God, then let me just call it the Law of the Universe.

I have seen money up close. I have never pursued it. 

I did pursue it for a little while just so that I could get a shot up close to show you it is really nothing. They have legs and move all over the place guided by some other forces. Okay, stop looking at it now!

Live life on your own terms. When  you adopt this attitude and do so, it does not matter what comes your way. You take personal responsibility for everything, every decision, every action with one thing in mind - doing the right thing under all circumstances - come what may. This way, you are taking charge and you write your own scope and there will be no horrors. But you have to be honest with yourself. 

A typical zodiac or horoscope forecast go like these:

''You have the opportunity to make a big break, change the world for the better as long as you can get people together or when humanity works.'' 

''You can be prosperous and attain well-being provided you move away from chaos or avoid bad blood.''

''If you are a rat do not be greedy or you may end up in some Teochew porridge in Marina Square.''

"If you are not careful, you may hurt yourself.''

''If you are a goat, there are uncertainties. You may grow a goatee but without the wisdom.''

''While there will be good luck, you may also face several problems.''

''Stay calm and take care to avoid accidents.''

"Generally, a peaceful year but there will be issues and obstacles that make you stressful.''

''There could be career progress but there will be arguments and people may talk behind you.''

''You may end up in court if you get careless with your words or with important documents.''

''You may have health issues due to energy loss or lack of sleep."

You can see from the above, there are always some qualification. "You may...", "there could be...'' they are actually saying nothing. Your own mother could have told you all these things and you brushed her aside. There are many things that have no place in your life including many types of superstitions. Whatever controls you becomes you. If that is the case, we on planet earth do not need you. We just need clones. Or become a sheep and join a flock to graze around. Remember to use your superiority and authority by asking yourself questions and search deep within yourself and you will find the answers. No use going ''meh'' or ''baa''.

Now send this article to ten other people within the next 24 hours or.....This is after all the prediction from MasterSifuGuru.

Let me assure you, you will be fine and for the year ahead you can be as sure footed as a goat. Stride forward confidently. The world is a mirror image of yourself. If you want a friend, do not go finding one. Go out to be a friend. Some of us have the mistaken notion that we come to this world to gain something. It cannot be further from the truth. We are actually here to give. Once you understood this truth, you should change.

I wish you a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year! I wish you enough!


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