Random Eats - Restaurants

Recently, I remembered a few places where I have eaten and thought the food was good. Or they reminded me of previous times when I visited even if they were at different venues. Sometimes, we choose places due to convenience rather than anything else. For some folks, eating is not even important. They eat to fill their tummy. They wont die without food but their hands may tremble without drinks. Others pay a little more for food and they would complain but do not bat an eyelid when they are paying for drinks. Yet there are those who are stingy when it comes to food but they would save up just to travel. Then there are some who must eat only at the most famous and expensive places because they have arrived. I walk the middle ground. Not all expensive places offer the best food. They are just expensive. I do not have to travel everywhere but I will not sting on food because they are what you put into your stomach and we need quality and not quantity. Besides, food is a...