
We have done with September and now in October. It is all ...ber...ber...ber all the way. Time to wake up.

I think we should all be gardeners and farmers originally. We could have remained that way so while we work we are also doing our exercise. That is why they do not have gyms or have to do weight training nor do they need a treadmill in the old days.

Exercise is something that you cannot stop. You have to keep going. Once you stop, it is hard to restart your engine. I know people who love exercises and sports. I also know those who dislike them and are totally not in it. Some of my friends are marathoners. Several of them from the 40s to the 50s are triathletes or Ironman. There were a couple of guys I know who are in the 50s and 60s and they are still playing soccer once to a few times per week. These fellows are seasoned as they have been doing this for the last 30 years. 

Do be careful when you are going into something very rigorous after a long time. Accept that you are no spring chicken. If you have to, take your time to build up. Start small even if they were baby steps. If you can't run or do not wish to run, walk.

Actually, I am also a triathlete. A triathlete is one who participate in a triathlon. It is an athletic contest in which each athlete competes in three different events of swimming, cycling and running. I am more of a try-athlete. I try to swim, cycle and run but I do them in different days or weeks. I need to listen to Rocky for inspiration. (Rocky)

I do it to feel alive. 

To destress. I like fresh air and the sensation of water. 

Here's looking at you kid.

Another great and strenuous work out is boxing.

I do it sometimes. 

This one needs the Eye of the Tiger. Here is Survivor.

I do not have any problems with the old knees which increasingly I found out many friends have problem with theirs. So I try not to over stretch or over strain. Sometimes, instead of running, I would just walk. Or I'll run to a destination then walk back.

Running is more fun. I love to keep the adrenalin pumping.

Lately, I dug out from the store what an old and very good friend has given me years ago. It is a "Trikke".

Those days when I used to bring it to the park for exercise or play, a lot of people would be looking with curiosity for they have never seen anything like it. 

It looks like a bicycle and a skate scooter.

But you could stand and balance on both sides.

You can push it off the ground with the other foot and skate along.

You can move it by gliding side to side like you are roller blading. It has a bicycle handle with brakes for good order.

I am more than tri. I am no Ironman triathlete neither am I the "Ironman". I know many who irons better than me. I can only pose as one. 

I want to at least try to stay fit so as not to be a burden to anyone, so as to pursue my passions in life and if in pursuance of my passions lead to winning trophies, I shall be most glad. Recently, I found a trophy I won in a race in primary school. Would you believe it? I mean I have a lot  more trophies and medals at various stages of life but I know not where I have stored them. I found one now. The Kim Keat Primary School is now defunct. I remember the school pledge and motto was "Honesty and Diligence". The first school that taught me about integrity. This is an antique. Actually, I could still sing you the school song but I only remember the opening and closing line : The beginning - "We are the students of Kim Keat Primary School..." and the ending "That's what we have in mind, when we sing our school song".

Barely visible as it stood the test of time was the carving that stated: " Annual Athlete Meet". 1972. I am still in touch with a few primary school classmates who went to the same secondary school as me. Haven't seen the rest though even as I searched on face book. Wonder where were my teachers and how are they now? 

The Principal was Mr. Chia, Discipline Master was a giant of a man Mr. Yeo ( or Yang). My first teacher was the wonderful Ms Leo who became Mrs. Lee (Pr. 1 and 2), then Mr. Loh Ah Seng (Pr. 3-4), there was a temp teacher called Ms Ong in Pri 4 and finally Mr. Jeffrey Lim (Pr. 5-6). The school has a good Lion Dance team headed by Mr. Chua. The troupe was called 四海. Mr. Loh Ah Seng was a gentleman while Jeffrey Lim was  younger, has a moustache, does not button his shirt, wears bell bottoms and smokes his cigarettes and a soccer fanatic. There was a Geopraphy teacher Mrs. Daswani, National Language (Malay) teacher Chegu Fatimah who told us countless stories of the legend of Han Tuah. Music teacher was Mrs. Miranda who was the original Darth Vader before Star Wars. I am recalling all these from memory. Amazing. Seems like yesterday. Those were years of puppy love. Wonder where are those boys and girls. Here is Climie Fisher with "Love Changes Everything". The song just came to my head though it was the 80s not quite the 70s. 

This is how powerful time is. Regardless of your stature in life, time can bring us down on our knees or reduce us to dust. Time conquers our vanities. Time cannot be bought. It could not return by your side once lost. It could destroy our memories. It takes away or change places, monuments, markers and facades. Respect.

I will befriend time. Hope that it will be kind and generous on me as I have been generous and kind with it. In the meantime, my trophy cabinet is looking more and more like Arsenal's. It has dried out and looking scarce. There must be new challenges, projects, milestones in life at least every now and then. We have to keep going...

Charity Golf which I have participated quite regularly in the past have dried out. 

It was 5 years ago since I last won any trophy or anything else. My fans are clamouring. It is time!

Finally, while most of us are no ironman or woman, it is important what sports can teach us in life. That we do not quit so easily when we hit a bad/rough patch. We just have to keep going so that whatever setbacks we have cannot win.

Sometimes, we quit not knowing that we are just so near the finishing line. The last kilometre, 100 metres or even just 10 more steps. Push a little further. 

Do not say we have no time. Everybody is blessed with 24 hours. It is how you make of it. If you do not prioritize you won't find it. You make time for it, not excuses. 

Along the journey, you will get despised, discouraged, knocked out, trod on, rejected, trampled, blocked, failed. You may have to go through hell before you get a taste of heaven. 

Never expect to get something or go somewhere without putting in some work. To achieve something takes a lot of work and effort. Nothing in this world comes free. 

In life, you can make wise choices on what to do or what not to do but yet there will be situations where things happen to you not of your own making. It is not about what happens to you but how you respond to it. In golf or many other sports, the first to conquer is your mind. It is mental. Six inches between the ears.

Time and tide waits for no man. You can't just wait for somebody or something. If we just wait for the right conditions we may never get started. 

We define our own limits. You are in charge here. No one sets your limit. Push a little more, a little better each time. When you get your basics right in sports as in life, the right time comes along, watch the magic happens. 

Whatever stage you are in life, no matter how busy, stressful, hectic, unhappy or tired and exhausted, we have to continue to seek and to learn so as to refresh even in simple hobbies or sports to keep us going and soon you will find that silver lining.

Be like an Ironman or Ironwoman. Blessings!


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