The Best Job In The World

34,000 people around the world were just recently vying for a chance to land "the best job in the world" at the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland in Australia. The marketing gimmick earned some $110 million from an outlay of over $1 million. I didn't bother to apply although it was such a suitable dream job. A beaming Brit who sounded Welsh called Southall aced it. Kelong!
This is smashing, at a place where you didn't need a watch and getting paid A$150k where when you feel like it you can talk to fishes or touch them. Just make sure you wash your hands after that so we don't start a fish flu.

The second best job in the world are people who are financially free, retired, semi-retired or getting well laid off with a golden handshake. How about winning "Don't Forget The Lyrics"?
I won't get there because I just hated filling in forms. You fill in forms at school, at work, at government agencies, for insurance claims, applying for credit cards, any other cards and worse in lucky draws they give you one stack of forms to fill. Is that some kind of punishment being dished out? Is there a name for people who fear fillin in forms? Fillinformphobia?

What about being a celebrity, a star, singer, actor, sportsman, soccer player, golfer, Formula 1 driver, a hotshot CEO, musician, teacher, pilot, artist, writer, a policeman? The list is endless.
But if you were to ask many, few people on planet earth are happy with their job or current situation. You look at the golfer and thinks he's enjoying all his golf but there's only one Tiger and the rest of the journey man travel alone some on their own expense with little recognition and even less success and quite often didn't even make the cut in PGA. Many talented footballers fall by the wayside even before they make a name but f course a successful and very well paid soccer star leads a charmed life being loaded with money at a young age and with not much to do and so you read of them boozing at clubs, gambling, ruining their sportscar in crashes and looking for some pretty young things who are just waiting to write a book about them.

Mike Tyson was very wealthy with his winnings from boxing and was once surrounded by friends. Look at him today. So the best job in the world is actually elusive. It may never be found. Even if it were, it is temporal. The brevity of it all is all too evident when you read of famous people who once had it all but were left empty and forlorn. When the applause dies, when the people stop chanting your name, when you no longer has that clout, influence, when you have alleviated yourself so highly you could no longer be your old self then the trouble begins.
I think there is no such thing as the best job in the world. The best job in the world is not a boob job nor a surgery on your face to make you look gorgeous contrary to popular belief.
The best job in the world is how you make the best out of you current job especially considering the tumultous economic recession and many are jobless. In other countries, one can still go back to the villages and eat off the land but here chickens are only found in the supermarkets.
Meanwhile, the stock market has been travelling north which is pretty good except that I don't have anything to gain from it. US economic data has shown signs of recovery and the swine flu has not been as deadly yet as earlier feared and the stand down to Yellow Alert means we don't have to have our ears poke twice a day till one day you have an enlarged ear hole or worse if the thermometers went out of stock and they give you the rectal type. Many years ago, they said that pigs would fly if they elect a black President to the White House and after 100 days or more with Obama, Swine Flew (flu). Some doctors died when SARS hit and even nurses and hospital workers' lives were threatened but they never shirk their responsibilities.
I also think that some of Singapore's attitude must change. First, the table-tennis ladies won silver at the Olympics were recognised but not the coach who brought them there. No doubt, that relations between them were not good but since when must a coach pander to players and win popularity contests. They are there to train and get the results. Even if you don't like him, we should not deny him that historical moment. We should have shown magmanimity. It musn't get personal.

More good news on the horizon with the capture of Mas Selamat who's been missing for a year. This neutralize the threat quite a bit. Recently, I wore a belt which has design of faces of famous musicians on it. Someone asked about it and I told them that I worked part time as a bounty hunter and the faces on the belt are all wanted criminals and if they look carefully, they may spot Mas Selamat there. Then I told another few that since someone created facebook which took the world by storm, I try by creating facebelt.
Non sequitur. Adios.


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