Aware, Beware, Unaware & Elsewwhere


Nobody paid attention to Aware until it made tabloid fodder. It if unfortunate that in life, politicking is everywhere and where politics are involved, it will lead to compromise including one's principles and when religion gets dragged in, it becomes a holier than thou situation.
I didn't have to take sides and most of us have or have known people who are gays or lesbians with some among our family members, relatives, colleagues and friends. I have adn we should treat all of them with dignity and no different from how we treat others. I shall shun from going deeper to avoid death threats from various interest groups but I was aghast when I read Today papers on 1 May where some points on the issues at hand as regards to sexual education was published apparently from some online forums which raised it. I saw that the programme inlcuded statements made which mentioned neutrality on anal sex proclaiming it can be healthy if done with consentment and protection and also neutral on premarital sex if the respobsibilities were understood or something to this effect.
I do not think it is a Christian issue because I believe the Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Buddhists, Taoists or even free thinkers and many parents with children may squirm. Someone may be sleeping with the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. I hope all good sense will prevail as we are all Singaporeans and all were there for a common good. As leaders, past and present members in the Exco should show respect, civility and dignity and we should all accept to learn how to agree to disagree.
There are a thousand ways to skin a cat. The only silver lining in this saga is the fact that Singaporeans do care and care a lot especially for the under-privileged. Civic society rocks!
Ironically, the real death threat to us today on the human race is coming from swine. Fishes were threathened by the red tide and even when not sometimes do have more mercury in them than allowed. We have had the avian flu or bird flu and before that SARS and even way before that, bovine disease from mad cow. All these has taken its toll on me as I am an animal lover.
I love animals, they are delicious. Hey, just kidding. Anyhow, animals can often be better than humans if you know what I mean. Beware, take care of yourselves, your loved ones and be socially responsible and pray hard. This flu pandemic can prolong the global recession.
I have a freakish belief that someday women will control the world. They have an intuition about things where guys may only get when they are "in tuition" classes and still be blur like sotong.
I developed a bit of this because I've been surrounded by women all my life - grannies, mother, siblings, wife, daughter, nieces and not to mentioned bevy of beauties everywhere. I have read that some men are already allowed in Aware so I am afraid that some day they may become an all guys group having irritated the women enough and call themselves Unaware. That would be a worst case scenario to be avoided.
In the meantime, I wish Aware all the very best and that they must remember their objectives of serving and upholding the rights and protection of all women in Singapore. Bury their differences and find a good solution.
Elsewhere, we are still not out of the woods concerning the recession and now the swine flu. I pray and hope it shall be under control and it would be sad when people have to stop meeting because of it.
In Champions League soccer, Chelsea defended stoutly against Barcelona at the Nou Camp and got a good result. In match where artistes vs artisans, Chelseas has proven that lots of heart, hardwwork and toughness can overcome and get results even against superior opponents. Lionel Messi didn't get to display his real worth and it is probably down to his flowing mane having been reduced to a decent crop like Samson losing his power. At Old Trafford, Arsenal escaped losing 0-1 to Manchester United. While Man Utd is the best counter-attacking team in the world, Arsenal in full flow can be unstoppable. Two great matches to be replayed at Stamford Bridge and the Emirates. When it is al over and the EPL ending soon, everyone would be left with no soccer for some months till August. I just hope the haze will not return to add more misery as we have already have our hands full.
If you have been following American Idol, Adam Lambert is already the star they are looking for even without having to win it by a mile. Week in and week out he has been setting the benchmark. With good looks, a good voice and showmanship he's like a seasoned pro. I like Daughtry and David Cook and Adam is the real deal. He even has a twinkle in his eye. He is what the show is all about. So too were Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest who carried the show with thier banter. Not so much from Randy Jackson "Yo Dude, check it out", Paula Abdul who seems mesmerized by handsome guys all the time or even Kara DioGuardi who's ever so animated but at least she's quite good to the eyes.
In recent weeks, I have also have the great honour of meeting up some very old friends and acquantiances many of which we haven't met for more than 30 years. It was like home coming events and with our fondest memories often aligned to our childhood and adolescent years, it often warms the heart. Maybe we are like homing pigeons except that we are not pigeons but rats hence the rat race we are in where at the end of the race we are still rats.
Don't believe that, we are superior humans and we can make choices. Choose well!
Sunday, I make a third return to playing soccer not being able to resist the temptation with a bit of apprehension at VS astro pitch at Siglap. It was good, the old touches were still evident and the astro pitch being even was certainly favourable as compared to some of the pitches I have played that were not only uneven but some with potholes too which were too challenging.
Till you hear from me again...


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