Pandemic, Golf, Golf Club Covers And The Rest

We must be aware that we must never take things for granted but then when life was routine, the order of things in the universe will be taken for granted. Who would have thought that a day will come where the simplest thing like going out, eating, working, travelling, meeting family and friends would come to an almost complete halt. Well, at least in Singapore, we never really had a complete lockdown. I said who not WHO. Originally, I thought that this was a great opportunity for the world to band and come together as one but no as till this day, we still knew no better how the virus originated and from how it came about and are none the wiser. We even saw the horrors of racism rearing its ugly head. If we saw videos of some Americans beating up Asians unprovoked, does it mean that all Americans are racist? But who did that certainly are. And if Asians are being discriminated and abused for no reasons other than their skin colour then why do Asians also abused their fe...