The Fragment Room

There seems to be a lot of anger around the world today. People fight over the silliest things. They fight over a parking lot, in a queue to buy silly toys, they fight over perceived staring, young people get into fracas especially at drinking spots, old men fight, hurt or kill one another suddenly over things. People protest in large groups and turned violent. Anger management should be a good business. The other problem is ego. Combined anger and ego and you have a very potent cocktail of emotion like a Molotov. Molotov himself died from a cardiovascular disease and pent up stress and anger could do the same to anyone.

I get it that people are often stressed and may have pent up frustration over various things but if you get into a fray, you either end up at the police station or a hospital. Some have their faces rearranged and bills are without discounts even if you are a regular hospital visitor so let there be peace, live and let live. 

Every time you feel like smashing things up, why don't you go do just that? You go and smash things up? You could even invite friends along to witness you at your rampaging best. You just go to the Fragment Room! 

Now please do not bring along your destructive tools and go smash up shops. That would be a demolition job. You have to preferably make a reservation and just come as you are.

For good clean fun!

All you need is a fragment of imagination.

You could warm up by dealing with a dummy.

There was going to be only one winner.

The dummy matter how hard or fast you swing at it.

Hitting it with your best shots. No matter how fast you are with your hands. It stood its ground. 

Sometimes in life, it is better to go around it.

The greatest victory is to win without having to fight. 

I stood there and ponder...

Even the close range Ip Man rapid punches to the chest yielded the same result.

Release your tension.

Destroy your anger.

Practise your and throw away your bad golf shots.

I have even done the no bottle cap challenge as the bottle cap one was easier. Lol. The helmet, overall, gloves and boots were heavy. 

I could be a mean demolition man.

They say a bad workman quarrels with his tools. Life is about choices. I picked the weapons of my choice but fear not the weapons but the hands that wield them. The world owes you nothing and nothing in the world owns you. So make your choices wisely. Remember, if an egg is broken from an outside force, life ends. If broken from an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside.

I would like to share with you an old song from 1964 by Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me:

Which was reprised in the movie The Suicide Squad by Grace:

Bruce Lee said that a man is born to achieve great things if he can conquer himself.

Mr. and Mrs. Thor. This is another way to Pak Thor.

Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. When I am king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Well, its not the Frost Giants. For Man's greatest enemy is himself. You are your own king and the monsters lived within you. Go slay them all! The people around you are completely at your mercy. 

This is a popular place. You should come try it too. We had a smashing good time and it was a smashing success! Come, don't Uncle. Be Hunkle! 

The Fragment Room is at 490 MacPherson Road. Do call them to make a reservation for your choice date and time. Wishing you a smashing success!


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