What Are You Grateful For?

It was the wettest New Year's Eve I could remember. Even as the New Year dawned on us, nothing has really changed has it? I just wanted to remember what I ate and nothing, not even the weather is allowed  to dampen my spirit. 

Wonderful Eggs Benedict and  Pork Cheek.

I saw the light's reflection of a colourful year ahead and we should spread the joy and we are going to say as the plate suggests: "What a spread!"

I saw something on the wall for 2018 - It says: ''Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly!" I should have posed in front of those wings except for someone sitting there that looked less angelic. Oops! We should never be self righteous. Something  we should be acutely aware of for 2018. 

Singapore is getting more happening. The wild life I mean. We have a very cold period here and one day may have our very own winter. By then, you can flaunt your winter fashion wear. Even turtle want to lay eggs here. Not those 鸟 不 生 蛋 的 地 方. Wild boars are greeting people and otters are multiplying. Stay a distance away from these animals as otters do not just run a long distance just to bite you. 

Besides, Asian Koel, that bird species that make loud noises from morning and all day long are found not just here but many places including Japan and Hong Kong and is part of the beauty of nature. The highways and some people make more noises than they do. Nature is always beautiful. You do not go around correcting it. The Koel lays its eggs in the nest of crows who raise its young. Its beak is like that of a mini eagle and it has bloodshot red eyes. They have become very common birds here. The Asian Koel is a long tailed cuckoo. Listen to them:



I happened to have written about it in 2010:


In relation to the above, very often, what we do not understand enough, we ban them. If we were to always do this, then there will be little to learn with opportunities and ideas killed. What if some birds would some day help the human race with the dispersal of seeds into trees whereby a cure for some human disease may be discovered? That is also why Uber, Grab and crytocurrency have not been banned. 

What should have been banned, okay banned is too harsh but to be very tightly controlled are the e-Scooters and PMDs (Personal Mobility Devices). Such devices are a vice to your health and a danger to others. Most are already not having sufficient exercise on a daily basis and you still refuse to walk. Often, I see people zooming at high speed with such e-Scooters and PMDs during my run or walk in park connectors, most with no protective gears. Worse, some would ride into pedestrians or running paths. We need to protect the elderly and the young. Those who ride on roads and ridiculously on highways have no thoughts for themselves or respect for others. With due respect, when they are dead they do not know, only those around them suffer. It is the same as stupid. On a more loving note, an e-Scooter or PMD may be your new toy but remember that in whatever you do including sports or travelling, use your common sense and always practise first. Begin with the end in mind. 

We could go on talking about these endless stuff. The first thing I wish for everyone is to have common sense. Common sense is really not so common surprisingly. When you have it, your life immediately improves and you do not have to be a genius.

I wish you peeps the following:

Do not be easily discouraged, visualise yourself overcoming obstacles and winning over setbacks achieving impossible objectives. Do you see goals or only obstacles?

Be like water. Observe a river or stream. Where there are stones on their path, water rises above the stones and continue to flow. Obstacles in life are the same. Have patience like a river and flow over them. Overtime, even the stones are worn out if you be like water.

If you are in a leadership position, take note. Qualities like talent and experience are important traits but great leaders must have the ability to be genuine and take interest and show care for their teams. 

There is not enough room for both worry and faith in your mind. Decide which one gets to live there. It is your choiceThe mind is you greatest weapon.

For golfers, there is a saying in golf: "There's a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball." - Ty Webb. This can be applied in life too.

Why do humans rest in peace only and not live in peace? Choose peace all the time. Practise it and apply it.

Plant a seed, plant a tree. The best time to do it was 20 years ago and the second best time is now. You won''t get to enjoy its shade but you are planting it for the future generation and it need not be just a physical tree. Plant a good seed everywhere and then watch them grow. It will come back to you bearing fruits by ten fold or a hundred fold. Imagine if you planted a bad seed.

Your choices in life must be about a reflection of hope and not a decision out of fear. They say we can be anything. If you don't know how or what, just be kind

Be the boss you dreamt of  but never had. Be who you needed when you were younger and in times of need.

Be yourself. Have a mind of your own. It is better to walk alone than going with a crowd going in the wrong direction. This way, You'll Never Walk Alone. YNWA!!!

It is impossible to make everyone happy unless your name is Tequila.

In every life phase, you'll be confronted with something that scares you and you have to go into it being as fearless as you can. -Rebecca Minkoff.

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself into our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday. - John Wayne.

The world is a mirror reflection of yourself. It reflects your inner world. In fact, what if a mirror shows your character instead of just your image. Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their face, but their character.


I think instead of making meaningless resolutions, we need to ask ourselves just two questions because asking ourselves the right questions will often if not always lead us to answers. (1) What are you grateful for in 2017? (2) What will you be grateful for in 2018? Gratitude is one of the most important qualities in life. Not your status, not your money. For a grateful person is always a happy person. A grateful person sees everything in a positive light. He is thankful for the smallest things in life. It makes his heart full of warmth. He dismisses all negative things and see only goodness in people and situation. If you encountered an accident, you should not be cursing about some damage to the car or bicycle but thankful that you are safe. If you have almost lost a job but found one which may not be to your perfect liking, be grateful you still have one. Go on, you could name anything and everything. Just always put ''Gratitude'' in front of you. Look around you and and see what you should be grateful for. Your health, family, your friends. Are you grateful that you are top of the food chain or do we take that for granted. Gratitude helps us to get the right perspective in life, a balance that is so much in need.


''Untrain'' yourselves. We are always upgrading ourselves. More degrees, bigger houses, newer cars, more exotic holidays, blah, blah blah. Sit down for a moment and think about it. All these are just blah, blah, blah. All these are good and sometimes necessary but they are a small part of life. It is so much more important to develop your character. 

Why untrain? Because you are you from your own life experiences and situation so you see things only from your own perspective. I know many who would hear something but never listened. Why? Because they never took a genuine interest. Or they would listen but their minds were already set and not opened so that they version of everything will always prevail. Selfishness and self righteousness are so much a part of human nature that you hone your skills at it since you were a child. After such high level training for so many years, you are like a black belt martial artist of many dan. You are so good at it that you are into sword play. You could manipulate, you will judge, you will criticise but you would offer justification for doing the same things. It is time you untrain yourselves from all these traits. Obviously, you may feel vulnerable. Previously, you only appeared brave but you were actually even more vulnerable. You felt safer simply because you are in a crowd of many selfish and self-righteous people. Search yourself.

Alright, you can forget what have been written earlier. Basically, I just wanted to share this:

Make yourselves a better person in 2018 than the person you were in 2017. Make yourself a better version today than the version you were yesterday.  This way we would have changed the world, a day at a time and remember to have fun!

Be grateful.

What are you grateful for? 


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