Punggol Waterway Run - 1
When first came to where I lived now, there were not as many buildings and development. Plenty of space and green lungs. Now, the Hougang/Sengkang/Punggol district has become somewhat of an over-crowded precinct. Too many vehicles especially during peak hours in the morning and evening. They have long ago erected ERP gantry waiting for the time to switch it on and now they have. It has not solved the problem as there are too many entrances and exits but the solution is always simple - collect more money. In the evening, on the home voyage, traversing MCE/KPE can be quite a breeze but once near home, the jam builds up. You travel a long distance for about the same time you got stuck in the jam really closed to home. Just like golf where you could hit two massive shots from far from a long distance and when near the green (green grass of home), you fumbled and took even more shots from near. Sigh.
However, we must give credit where credit is due and in this respect, I have to say that we have done a fabulous job of connecting the parks through endless corridors of park connectors. I used to run and work out in the residential gym but a sudden invasion of aliens from two giant planets has transformed the place. I do not discriminate and welcome others but some behaviours are hard to fathom. Some of them hog the treadmill while others bring along their radio and play their kind of music loudly. Once, I saw a man taking a full bath with shampoo and soap at the swimming pool side shower which is meant for you to simply have a wash before jumping into the pool. He was even rubbing his groin! At the same pool side shower, I saw an elderly woman washing vegetables early one morning. I rubbed my eyes and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
It has been quite a few years now, I have since switched my runs, walks and cycling outside the estate and going to different parks and through the park connectors. There are good reference points for me to start and end or just within the perimeter. There is Punggol Park just across. Punggol Promenade 3km away. Punggol Settlement (Punggol End) where you could get into Coney Island and Punggol Marina and from there to Sengkang Riverside Park and the Punggol Waterway. At Punggol Waterway, there are two places - one you could park along the roadside if you drive and run around the park or go from the inside where they have a small car park and see which way you want to go.
There are plenty of developments going on all the time. Singapore may be one of the world's most "developed" and "developing" nation.
Living near a park is always good. It may even lead you to think - oh, I am going to exercise daily. This is further from the truth and in reality. People who have gym and pool do not frequently use the gym and pool. It is the same as going to a place of worship does not make you a practitioner of faith. You have to practise.
I used to live quite close to Bishan Park and thought that I will exercise there regularly but it did not last.
The quality of our public housing seemed to have been even more impressive with some even looking like condominiums. Some were built along the waterway.
This one is nearer to the Waterway Point.
It is at one end of the park so I ran to towards the Water Point.
Outside runs help me to seek distance markers and discover new places and experience different scenery.
With perspective of different kind of engagement with the elements and even animals.
The greatest importance of life is freedom. Just look at this pariah dog.
It may be a dog and it may be pariah but it is happy and "in the moment." Are you? Not dog or pariah but are you in the moment?
How may people can claim that?
Finally we got here.
Nice water way and open spaces.
With an arching bridge.
Punggol is getting very happening. This was quite some time ago but I have only just posted. Am sure a lot more has happened.
The signature of Punggol Waterway Point.

Modern amenities are admirable as it facilitates convenience.
You could live here, shop here and exercise here. On the other hand, it could also make people lazy. But laziness is always there and only when committed that you shrug off laziness.
Time to go back the other way around. Was wondering whether these lalang are wild or bought and planted as part of landscaping.
A uniquely designed HDB block.
Look at its parapet which resembles padi fields on a hill.
How many of the residents here will use the park?

People who complained that we need more parks are just happy to clamour but never use parks.
Many are still under utilised.
It is good. Flowers don't have to fight for my attention and lizards are not disturbed.
Hey, they even posed for me as I got near them.
Let's see how many of those living nearby here will use the park.
With such advance technology in the world, there may come a time soon where you can just buy a chip or download from the internet and these apps or whatever can help you to burn fats, slim down, build muscles, lubricate joints, stretch tendons, pump hearts and lungs and you do not have to do a thing. Until I give you the other side of the park, till then be good and stay healthy. Always.