Seng Kang Riverside Park
Some folks have told me over the years that golf courses deserved to be taken away because golf is elitist, why should so much land to used by so few and why don't they build more parks so that more people could use the parks? Well, the questions that people asked are all wrong in the first place.
Golf is not elitist, it is only that some people make it so. Others, having spent so much wanted it elitist. Authorities leased out land currently not in use or suitable for use for golf courses. There are so many parks in Singapore even more so if you consider park connectors as part of the parks. People who complain about needing more parks themselves do not go to the parks! I know because I go to both golf courses and especially to the parks all the time. You only see the same old suspects every time. Same as the swimming pool at my place, same people who swim. The rest are armchair critics. There are hawkers, taxi drivers and sales people who golf and public golf courses. I shall share more on golf courses next time.
So when I go to the parks to run, walk or cycle, I see some usual suspects as usual. Then after doing the rounds at Punggol Park, Punggol Promenade, Punggol Settlement, Punggol Marina, Coney Island and Punggol Waterway, there is only one park in the vicinity that i have never been to as yet - the Seng Kang Riverside Park, though I have driven pass it.
A sunny morning greeted us.
It was quiet and no overcrowding.
Something unusual caught my eye before I could get started with my exercise and running.

Macaws!!! What beautiful birds.
There were three young men flying their macaws!
They soared high...
...and they flew low...
As their owners wait.
They flew full circle before returning to their owners.
They are majestic birds. It is very difficult to shoot flying birds with your mobile phone so it was quite a feat for me!
The thing about this park is that I found no flowers here but nonetheless a very unique park which is equally scenic but is this a crop circle created by aliens?
With the wetlands.
You can probably find some toman or fighting fish in it just like a padi field.
Trees adorn the pathway.
Is this the small scale with fewer steps of the pyramid of the Mayan tribe?
Peace and serenity...and into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.
Morning dew greeted us to remind us that everyday is a new day. (In The Morning - Bee Gees) (Just highlight the link, right click and go to)
Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better - Albert Einstein.
We saw parakeets dancing in the air. I found one resting on a tiny branch. I could not resist to have a poetic shot. Someday, I am gonna paint this as it is. Branches dashing out, sprinkled with the lushness of leaves and the silhouette of a single parakeet. Solitude.
The legend of the Sengkang Riverside Park.
Under the boardwalk. You remember this song?
There is life above and beneath always.
Even the majestic cactus rise to greet the morning sun.
How many of them can you see there? Am I talking about the thorns, the ants or the dew? How many of you are awake and on the go or still in a state of stupor?
You can absorb yourself at the mangroves.
Or take a step back and rest at a mangosteen.
The floating wetlands.
Cross the bridge and you will get to the Sengkang Sports Complex.
Canoeing anyone?
If you cycle at this station, you are making music.
And this is the musical instrument. You stop the music stops.
Where housing and housing needs meet.
To truly understand anything you have to look beneath the surface.
It was a great day! Any day could be great if you decide so! I wish you Good Health and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! I did not just wish you wealth but prosperity. You can prosper in health, in career, in wealth, in friendship, in any relationship or anything and that is better. Cheers!