Seng Kang Riverside Park

Some folks have told me over the years that golf courses deserved to be taken away because golf is elitist, why should so much land to used by so few and why don't they build more parks so that more people could use the parks? Well, the questions that people asked are all wrong in the first place. Golf is not elitist, it is only that some people make it so. Others, having spent so much wanted it elitist. Authorities leased out land currently not in use or suitable for use for golf courses. There are so many parks in Singapore even more so if you consider park connectors as part of the parks. People who complain about needing more parks themselves do not go to the parks! I know because I go to both golf courses and especially to the parks all the time. You only see the same old suspects every time. Same as the swimming pool at my place, same people who swim. The rest are armchair critics. There are hawkers, taxi drivers and sales people who golf and public golf cou...