VSCB - 50 Years

Victoria in Singapore, there are other schools we know, Victoria is something more, the school that watch'd us grow.

For here we've learnt and striven too. And played the sportsman's game; Victoria, we give to you the honour that you claim.

Victoria thy sons are we, and we will not forget, Victoria thy triumphs see, and victories we share yet. 

For others came before and went, and carried to the world, Victoria's fame and our intent to keep her flag unfurled

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsPZoxXya5A (Victoria School Song)

That was our school song. I remember and will not forget. It was our formative years and with youthful exuberance and vigour, I plodded along unknowingly about what the future holds but with ebullience I participated in so many sports and even joined the school band. Sometimes, people asked me why I joined the band and I just just told them that I joined a queue thinking it was for soccer and ended up in the band. Wrong Queue! 

There are also friends who asked why am I still passionate about something that was so long ago, history? I told them that it was the only school I went to and that was where in my youthful idealistic world, I have made so many friends and have so much memories about the school, the place, the location, the events that unfolded. I sometimes do think that many buried themselves into their studies during their time so much so that they did not even lift up their eyelids to see, to feel and to seize those many wonderful moments. So those little moments went away like flowing waters that does like flow through again. 

But I stole more than a moment or two. I basked in those glorious moments. I was like caught in the jamboree everywhere and missed quite a few steps. Recently, there was an opportunity to relive those magical and enchanting moments and I didn't know how so many years have so quickly gone by. It is not like I only feel this way recently but I have always felt such nostalgia since a long time ago. I was an early starter as in most things. 

Today's students are more fortunate. They have the school song on the stairs leading up to the hall so they should not miss a few steps like me. 

I was early for the event. So I went to the Heritage Centre.

I looked at all the old photographs. I wondered where are some of the people now.  Completely lost touch with some of them and a few good friends.

It was so many years ago.

But we must always thank this man for his passion, friendship and leadership which is extraordinary. Mr. Lim Eng Chong. The PM should talk about him at the next National Day rally.

As you can see here, it was the VSCB 50th year anniversary. I didn't know that! Of course I am not that old. We have our VSMB (Victoria School Military Band) and VSCB (Victoria School Concert Band). We have been among the top school bands for both outdoor and concert bands. 

I was from VS when they were at Tyrwhitt Road. A very unique and different location and building. It has since become the People's Association.

I walked into a practice session and a trombone was blasting away.

When the session began, Mr. Nasir, who led us to victory during my time stood on the raised podium and conducted the band.

It seemed like old time. This was time travel without a machine. 

Mr. Tan Beng Wee, my senior in school was the next conductor as he was in charge of the school band for many years.

As I listened to the flowing music, my mind wandered and I pondered about how amazing it is that 50 years has gone by and it was started at the same time when the country became independent.

I was looking for more nostalgic moments.

Aha! Memorabilia! Memorabilia that marked all the past concerts.

I could not find ours of the Jurassic age. At the time, we have the magical moments of what was created and called ''The Musical World". Our concert band's signature tune in closing was very often the theme from ''Hawaii-Five-O''.

Lovely cakes sponsored by one of our old boys. So thoughtful of him.

It was a happy occasion but I have never felt this old. This was the first time I have reach this age. 

For those who came, it was nice meeting you again. For those who could not, hope to see you at the next opportunity. The next 50 years, we'll be meeting at a different place. 

Thy sons are we and we will not forget.
Nil Sine Labore.
You'll Never Walk Alone!


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