Tonny Restaurant

I have heard about Tonny Restaurant every now and then but never been there. They serve authentic Hong Kong Premium Cuisine and is helmed by Hong Kong celebrity chef Tonny Chan. Tonny was a chef in several Hong Kong restaurants and he was also formerely from East Ocean Seafood Restaurant among others before setting up on his own. They are now located at no. 8-10 Geyland Lorong 3. If you are there early, you may be lucky to get a car park lot just right across the HDB car park. Otherwise, just move on to the nearby multi-storey car park. Once outside the restaurant, you could see all the write-outs about the restaurant from both the English and Chinese media. And the other celebrities who have frequented. They have unique dishes and not the standard fare you find in most restaurants and they have this award-winner that you must try - the "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon'', probably named after that movie. It won the Singapore Golden Tripod Award when it c...